Chapter 12

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Valeria's pov

I rushed to my room and slammed the door so hard I was surprised it didn't break. I paced back and forth in my room and angrily wiped my eyes when I felt the tears rise.

"Whyyy!?" I whisper shouted. "That stupid self-centered man whore Alpha.." I continued to mumble to myself for who knows how long when I heard a cautious knock.

I recognized Ethan and Aaron's scents right away so I went to the door. As soon as I saw my brothers I felt my walls start to crumble, my eyes filled with tears and my lips quivered.

"Oh Val.." Ethan said and soon I was in their arms. I let myself cry freely. I don't know how long it was before Aaron broke the silence "do you want me to send him to his early grave?"

Ethan slapped him on the back of the head "Oww! What the hell man!?" Aaron whined and I chuckled at him.

I wiped my tears and said lowly "so my mate is a prick. It was probably too much to hope for a decent mate" I shrugged my shoulders "any advice on what to do now?" I looked at the twins with hopeful eyes.

They both sighed deeply and Ethan decided to do the talking. "We can't tell you what you should do Val, you're our sister and we're pretty biased about it." He nudged me and I pouted.

"But.." Aaron continued. "He is your mate and you were made for each other for a reason. We don't think he's good enough for you, but we want you to find happiness in your life. Maybe you can give him a chance? I mean he can't be all bad. Right?" Aaron pondered and looked at us.

Can he be that bad? I know you shouldn't believe gossip or judge someone without knowing them, but I heard what he said myself. For him, I should just be a good mate and forget everything he has done and said. And fall in love with him right away. Hah! At least he can joke..

"Yeah, the poor guy was quite panicked when you walked away. I think he's afraid of rejection. Do you want to reject him?" Ethan asked.

"What? No, I don't want to." I sighed and looked out the window. "No matter how much of an idiot he is, I don't think he deserves to be rejected." Rejection is really painful for werewolves and often at least the wolf dies, if not both.

"I just.. I don't want to be cheated on.." I don't even want to think about how it feels when a mate cheats. I once saw a shewolf suffer from lower abdominal pain when his mate was with another.

I walked over to my desk and took a picture of Nathan. "I just want to be happy again. To have a mate who loves me and who could finally fill the void I feel inside. I mean haven't I lost enough already?"
I put the picture back on the table and clutched my necklace.

"First Opal then Nathan and Ryan.. I'm not strong or brave enough to dare to love anyone anymore."

The twins took me by the hand.

"You are the strongest person we know, Val. If you really want it, give the boy a chance, who knows maybe he surprises us." Ethan smiled encouragingly.

"Yeah! And if he gives you any problems, let me know and I'll kick his ass!" Aaron shouted with a fist pump.

I rolled my eyes and hugged my brothers.
"Thanks guys, I love you, you are the best."

I'll give Lucas a chance to prove that he's not a complete jerk, but I don't know what I'll do if I'm disappointed in him. Maybe I have to think about the possibility of rejection as well, even if I don't want to. He is a strong Alpha for sure he could handle it..

"Are you crying Aaron?" I teased Aaron when I noticed him wiping his eyes.

"I'm not crying! Just got something in the eye." He defended himself.

"Hmmh if you say so" I grinned back.

"Okay children, let's start going to lunch before we have to experience our mother's rage." Ethan said and we all raced towards the dining room. No one wants to make our mother mad!

We arrived at the dining room and I noticed that we weren't the last ones there. I went to assure my parents that I'm fine and ready to face Lucas again.

I noticed Beta Liam in the corner of the room talking on the phone and decided that I had to start somewhere. I walked up to him and he ended the call when he noticed me approaching.

".. I have to go love, I'll call again in the evening. I love you bye bye." He said.

"Your mate?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes, my Rosie." He replied dreamily before his eyes widened and he bowed to me.

"Sorry for my bad habits Luna."

Next, he snapped his head up, distressed.

"I mean Alpha Valeria."

I burst out laughing. Aww poor thing he's cute. He looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry. It's just amusing to see you so upset over such a small thing. Alpha is too formal so just say Valeria." I told him, still giggling and offered my hand.

"Alright. You can call me Liam." He answered and shook my hand.

Liam is a great guy! He reminds me of Nathan. We chatted and joked for a good while before Liam got serious and looked at the dining room door.

I know who entered the room, but I didn't even glance in that direction, I wondered at Liam's changed behavior. Aren't they best friends?

I didn't manage to analyze the situation any longer when my mother announced that we could all sit down at the table.

"You can sit next to Lucas, honey" my mother mindlinked to me.

"Yay awesome.." I mumbled and headed towards my doom.

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