Chapter 11

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Lucas's pov

No. She said no and walked away. I was rooted to my spot and started to panic internally. What did she mean when she said no, did she reject me?

"Onyx say something! Help me!" I tried to contact him but Onyx remained silent. How can he be silent! What does this mean..

A hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality and I looked at Liam who was looking at me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Are you okay Lucas?" He asked.

I looked at the people around me and could see so many expressions on their faces. Damn. What do I do now?

"Umm yes I'm fine." I answered uncertainly. "But I need to talk to her."

I tried to run after my mate only to be stopped by Ethan and Aaron.

"Get out of the way! I need to talk to her!" I yelled and tried to get past them.

"Calm down and listen!" Ethan yelled at me in his Alpha voice and I was shocked at how much his command affected me.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my pounding heart. "Speak."

Ethan and Aaron looked at each other and guided me away from the group. Liam, Evelyn and the warriors were about to protest but I raised my hand to tell them everything was fine.

"Okay, so first of all sorry for this ambush but she is our little sister and she wanted to find out if the rumors about you are true. And apparently they are." Aaron glared at me.

I hung my head in shame and repeated in my mind everything I said before. And in front of my mate! No wonder if she rejects me..

Ethan sighed "Listen Lucas I'm going to be brutally honest now. Valeria didn't like you in the first place. She knows your reputation and despises it. I have to say that there is a possibility of rejection."

My heart dropped. A long painful howl filled my mind as Onyx thought about losing his mate. I felt like I could cry myself.

Ethan grabbed me by the shoulders and I looked at him.

"Now you have to pull yourself together and think about how to fix this situation. I see that you're basically a decent man, but you need to get your head out of your ass if you're going to get along with my sister. I can assure you that it will not be easy." I nodded at him.

Aaron appeared next to us and said in a serious voice

"Valeria is loved by the whole pack and has experienced a lot of shit for her young age, so hurt her and you can be sure that you will have more than one enemy after you who want to finish you off."

Let's just say I rarely feel intimidated but these two do it easily. I swallowed and nodded again.

They patted me on the back, may I add unnecessarily hard and we started walking towards the packhouse.

"Before we start lunch I strongly recommend that you go to your room and wash that stench off yourself if you want to have any chance with our sister." Aaron said.

"Mila dear, could you show our guests their rooms? Aaron and I are going to see Val." Ethan said to his mate.

"Of course, follow me." Luna Mila smiled and led us to the second floor.

As we climbed the stairs I noticed that my mate's scent got stronger, her room must also be on this floor.
I thanked Luna Mila and went to my room. I closed the door and leaned against it.

"Mate has been in this room" Onyx said suddenly.

"Yeah, she must have prepared the room." I answered in a daze because I don't even remember when Onyx would have spoken to me properly.

"Start taking that shower." He growled at me.
I sighed. It was a short joy but I did as I was told and took a shower. I rubbed myself clean many times and when I got out of the shower the tension and anxiety returned to my mind. I will see my mate again soon, hopefully everything will go better now.

There was a knock at the door and I opened the door. I let Liam and Evelyn into my room and sat on the bed burying my head in my hands.

"How's it going?" Liam asked.

"Well let me think about it. I found my mate whose family hates me and I'm a second away from being rejected and if that happens we won't get an alliance and probably Onyx will leave me too. Everything is really great!" I replied sarcastically.

"Hey, don't get mad at me!" Liam started
"I have warned you many times but you never listened. But I can help you I've been with Rosie for a couple of years now so I know-"

"Fuck off Liam! I don't need advice from a man whose woman has him wrapped around her finger! You are like a lovesick puppy! Pathetic." I yelled at him in anger and regretted it as soon as I saw Liam's expression.

"Liam I'm s-"

"Don't. I have always supported you Lucas and I would have really wanted to help you and I am sorry that you have to go through this the hardest way but it's not my fault. So excuse me Alpha I'm leaving now." Liam cut me off and bowed to me before leaving the room.

"Fuck!" I tore my hair out in frustration. Now I've pissed off my best friend too! He never calls me Alpha or bow down if we are between us. What else could go wrong.

"Stop that."

I was startled and had already forgotten that Evelyn was also in the room.

"Who cares what Liam or your mate thinks of you. You are everything anyone could want. If you ask me, you'd be better off choosing your mate yourself, she's weak on top of that. She doesn't even have a wolf!" Evelyn said while stroking my arm.

I pushed her away and growled feeling Onyx trying to take control "Onyx calm down!"
I managed to push him back and turned to face Evelyn.

"Don't ever talk about your future Luna like that again!" I commanded her.

"Possible future Luna and I'm not going to consider her my Luna until she proves herself worthy!" She growled back. Who is this woman? I've never seen this side of Evelyn.

I looked at her in disbelief and something flashed on her face, I just couldn't read what.

Evelyn shook her head "sorry Lucas I didn't mean to raise my voice or insult your mate. I'm just angry at the way you've been treated today and I think your mate should see past your past. Forgive me?"

"Okay, but friend or not I'm never going to listen from the side if someone talks bad about my mate. Remember that." I answered her seriously.

Evelyn smiled and nodded.

"Good. Let's go before we're late for lunch."

I was so nervous that I feel like I'm not myself. I could only hope that everything would go well, even though I had a strong feeling that something bad was going to happen.
Onyx doesn't make the situation any easier by being afraid of rejection and whining all the time in my head.

I hope I'm wrong.

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