Chapter 25

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Valeria's pov

I've been on the Midnight Pack for two weeks and everything has been going well for the most part. I have called my family every day as promised and they are doing well too. Ethan also said that rogue sightings have decreased significantly. Which is good but weird.

I have been able to go shopping and at the same time I found a nice little gym where I can work out.

Things are also good with Lucas. Lucas took me out on a date and we've become much closer. On the physical side, we have still refrained from small kisses and in the evenings we cuddle in bed. My feelings for Lucas really grew and I thought that I could deepen our relationship soon.

I've also spent a lot of time with Onyx. I love him, he's awesome! His wolf form is amazing, he is big and strong. We have explored the lands of the pack together.

The only one who still doesn't like me is Evelyn and the feeling is about to become mutual. Why is she so jealous of me and Lucas when she has her own mate somewhere?
I have also noticed that Rosie has been avoiding me for a couple of days. I have to ask if something is bothering her.

Rosie and Liam have become really close friends to me. I notice that especially my friendship with Liam causes jealousy in Lucas. Which is amusing and pointless because Liam is mated.

Liam has been a big support for me. He defends me if Evelyn tries to annoy me and has been there for me if I've missed my family or otherwise had a bad day. For example, a few days ago I was really down because I missed Nathan and I haven't been able to visit his and Ryan's grave.


I sat in the furthest corner of the packhouse library, lost in my memories. Today is one of those days when everything feels bad. I missed Nathan and tried to relieve the sadness with my memories.

Tears silently ran down my face, and nothing seemed to help.

"Valeria! Are you here? Lucas is looking for you.. Valeria? What's wrong?" Liam found me and rushed over to me.

"Oh my god, are you okay? I will inform Luc-"

"NO!" I screamed and he looked at me strangely.

I wiped away the tears and cleared my throat.

"Don't tell Lucas, he doesn't understand and can't help. I-I just miss Nathan so much.." I burst into tears and Liam hugged me.

I don't know how long I cried, but after I calmed down, Liam asked if I wanted to talk about Nathan.

I thought for a moment before smiling and taking his hand.

"I can show you." I told him the same thing I told Onyx and started showing my memories.

"Wow, that was so awesome!" Liam said out loud.

"Shh! No one but Onyx here knows about the ability and I want to keep it that way." I silenced him.

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. And I know you miss Nathan, he seemed like a really nice and good guy. You can always come talk to me if you need comfort." He smiled and hugged me again.

"Thanks Liam." I said feeling emotional and we continued to talk about Nathan. Liam also went into great lengths to share how much he loves Rosie.

I smiled at the memory, I'm lucky to have a friend like Liam.

Tonight is my Luna ceremony, we wanted to have it before Alpha James comes to visit so he can see me as an official Luna. Lucas and I haven't marked each other yet.
Now we were eating lunch and discussing the events of the evening.

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