Chapter 38

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3rd person's pov

Luna Ava looked out the window of the packhouse at a heartbreaking sight as Lucas held her dead daughter in his arms and cried. He begged his mate to come back to him.

Ava knew that this was possible, so she had told her family before coming here about the Moon Goddess's visit, so that her sons could prepare as best they could for Valeria's fate.
Still, even she couldn't prepare for what kind of emotional storm she would experience when she sees his daughter's broken body.

Now she had no choice but to trust Selene to bring her daughter back and Valeria to be the queen she was always supposed to be.

"This is complete bullshit! We have to get to our sister." Aaron scowls.

"And I really hope that Moon Goddess's promise will be kept and Valeria will come back to us." Ethan continued.

"I better get my little girl back or no one can stop me from putting this place down.." Alpha Jack growled.

"Everyone shut up and calm down!" Ava growled at them and they covered their mouths.

Ava turned to the window again and waited for something to happen.

Meanwhile, in the yard, Lucas held Valeria's body in his arms. His crying had subsided into a small sob. He didn't know how much time had passed. An hour, two, a day? He didn't care, time seemed to stand still.

He stroked Valeria's face which was bloody and dirty and still couldn't believe she was gone.
He was completely numb and so was Onyx.

"I'm so sorry Valeria, I wish you were here so you could yell at me again. Even that would be better than being apart from you forever.." a bigger sob escaped from Lucas.

"I love you. I love you so much. You can't leave me! I can't do this without you! I want you back baby, p-please come back. I'm so sorry.." and again Lucas started to cry and hugged Valeria.

Liam felt helpless as he watched his friend mourn. He decided to lighten Lucas's burden and decided to go interrogate the rogue prisoners and Evelyn.

It wasn't long before the rogues told that their leader was working with Alpha James and later Evelyn also confirmed this information and told how Alpha James contacted her during his visit.

Liam was shocked by the information he received and he could not understand how anyone could want to hurt Valeria or anyone else who is innocent. Liam returned back to his home and decided to wait until it was good to discuss the matter with Lucas.


"Lucas please, let us take Valeria to the hospital.." His mother tried to talk sense into her son.

Both families have tried and failed to get Lucas inside.

The evening was already getting dark and Lucas still hadn't let go of Valeria and wouldn't let anyone come to help them, he was too blinded by grief. Just then the Moon Goddess decided to take matters into her own hands, she flicked her hand and knocked him unconscious.

"Lucas!" His parents screamed as Lucas fell to the ground.

However, no one came to the couple when suddenly Valeria's body rose into the air. Everyone watched the event in shock.

Valeria's body was floating a couple of meters high and there was a faint glow around her. Soon Valeria's body landed on the ground.

Luna Ava gasped "Listen! Her heart is beating! Let's quickly take them to the hospital!"

Liam and Rosie watched as their Alpha and Luna were rushed towards the pack hospital. They looked at each other and slowly but surely a smile made its way onto their faces.

"This is a miracle."

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