Chapter 36

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Rosie's pov

This is a nightmare. Everyone is panicking and we can only hope that we will get help soon. Luckily I caught Liam and they are coming back soon.

I couldn't help but cry when I watched what was happening outside on the monitor. She should have come in!

Valeria stood in front of the bunker fighting the rogues trying to get here. She's bleeding from both her back and hand, but she's eerily calm. I have never seen anyone fight like her and in human form.

She's amazing, but she will get herself killed..

Valeria's pov

I ran towards the rogue and tackled it to the ground, sinking my dagger into its side. Rogue howled in pain and I finished it by snapping its neck.

I staggered to my feet and quickly looked around. Among the dead are both our warriors and rogues. I felt a stab in my heart as I looked at the fallen warriors.

"Kill them all!" There was a shout from somewhere in the chaos. It must be rogue Alpha.

My back and arm hurt like hell but I ran back to the middle of the fight. I must protect the pack and avenge the fallen. This madness will end when I find that Alpha.

"Luna! Take cover!" One of the warriors shouted.

"I'm definitely not going! This is my pack. I will protect everyone until the end!" I yelled back with as much authority as I could muster and continued to fight.

I gripped the daggers in my hands tightly. I slashed, punched and finished off rogues at a rapid pace. Fortunately, my training has paid off. Nathan would be proud.

Several minutes passed before the situation seemed even. Many of the rogues are dead.
Fortunately, I didn't take any bigger blows myself anymore, just small wounds.

I took a moment to catch my breath when I noticed one of the rogues sneaking towards the bunker. This one is pretty big and not as filthy as the others. He must be that Alpha.

Do not even try!

I ran as fast as I could and when I was near it I jumped over Rogue, grabbing him by the neck. I landed on my feet and threw rogue away.

I took a fighting stance and bared my teeth at him, growling. The wolf just stared at me before transforming into a human.

"Well well. It's Luna herself. I must say that it is quite difficult to get you out of the way." He huffed and started circling me.

I kept a close eye on him and growled.

"You've also evolved with those daggers. You have brought down my wolves more than those others." He added.

I looked at him confused, no one knows I use daggers. "Who are you?" I asked.

He started laughing like a maniac before grinning hideously.

"You don't recognize me? It's a shame. Let me introduce myself. I'm Alpha Max and these are my rogues. I'm the one who still tastes the sweet taste of blood in my mouth. What was his name? Ah yes.." He smiled widely.


My heart stopped, I went completely numb. This is the fucker that killed him. All the physical pain I felt turned into psychological and the most I felt was rage.

"You killed him.. And now I'm going to kill you!"

He transformed back into a wolf and ran towards me growling. I raised my daggers and screamed as loud as I could. We flew to the ground from the impact.

Several blows later, we were both completely exhausted and our bodies were bleeding. I tried to attack him again but he dodged my blow.

I turned around as fast as I could but it was too late. Max's wolf plunged straight into my throat and bit it. I screamed in pain and almost dropped the daggers.

"NO!" It was heard from somewhere far away, I couldn't make out who it was.

He bit harder and I knew I was going to die. But I'm certain that I will take him with me. I grunted in pain and with the last of my strength I raised the daggers and thrust them into his neck and twisted.

Max's wolf released his grip and howled in pain. The fighting around us stopped. My legs gave out and I fell to my knees, trying to fight the blood loss and stay awake.

Max's wolf fell to the ground and stopped moving. I did it, I avenged their deaths. Tears fell from my eyes and I fell to the ground myself.

"No! Valeria!"

Lucas.. Onyx.. They came. A sense of peace came over me when I knew the pack was safe. My mate will be fine, he is strong.

Then everything went dark.

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