Chapter 13

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Lucas's pov

I tried to hold myself together as I approached the dining room. Before I dared to enter the room, I stopped when I heard her laughing. How wonderful that voice is. A small feeling of jealousy tried to creep into my mind as I thought that it should be me who makes my mate laugh.

I entered the dining room and my eyes were immediately drawn to Valeria and my jealousy rose when I noticed that she was with Liam.
Liam is my best friend but why is he on such good terms with my mate? Just focus on your own mate!

Yup. I'm possessive but so are many other Alphas so don't judge me.

Liam noticed me and got serious. Shit, he's seriously mad at me, but I'll deal with that later. Now my attention is focused on my mate who didn't pay any attention to me.

I didn't have time to approach them when Ava announced that we could start eating. At first I was annoyed when I didn't get to talk to my mate, but my mood quickly lifted when Valeria sat next to me. She also didn't hide her glare towards her mother, so I believe she didn't sit next to me of her own free will.

So what now, I feel like I'm a teenager again trying to talk to my crush. I scoffed mentally, that's just how I am now.

"You coward talk to her! I want my mate." Onyx decided to voice his opinion. He's right, I need to man up.

I cleared my throat and Valeria turned to look at me.

Damn those eyes are so captivating. No! Focus Lucas! I realized I was just staring at her. How embarrassing..

"Umm hi, I-I was just wondering if we could talk?" Holy fucking hell, did I just stutter!?

A soft hand touched mine and sparks traveled down my arm. My breath hitched when I noticed a small smile on her face. How can she be so beautiful.

"Yes Alpha Lucas, I believe we have a lot to talk about but could we eat in peace first?" She asked in a soft voice.

I didn't like how formally she spoke to me.
I found myself staring again so I smiled and nodded quickly. And I called Liam lovesick.

I looked at Liam who was sitting on the other side of the table and to my surprise he also looked at me with a silly smile on his face.

"Liam, I'm really sorry for what I said earlier. I took my anger out on you and it was wrong." I mindlinked him.

"Don't worry Lucas. I admit that it hurt what you said, but when I see you behaving like a teenager in Valeria's company, it's enough to make me feel better." He answered and winked at me.

I rolled my eyes but smiled at him at the same time. I sighed. At least one less problem, now I just have to get on Valeria's good side as well.

There was a lot of general conversation over food and we got to know each other at the same time. Suddenly Valeria turned towards me.

"So where do we start?" She asked.

"First of all, I want to apologize for my behavior when we met. I can't erase my past or what I've done, but I want you to know that I've always been waiting to find you. I just gave my arrogance the upper hand and lived accordingly."

I thought for a while and decided it's better to just say everything I think.

"I know it's not a good reason to behave the way I did but I can't change it anymore, but I can promise I'll never go back to the same ways now that I've found you.." I said sincerely and meant it. Onyx also seemed pleased with my speech.

Valeria thought about what I said for a painfully long moment before answering.

"Okay. I'm willing to look past your past, but this is your only chance to show me that you can be a good mate." She said, glancing at her brothers.

"I hope I don't have to fight over you with the women of your pack?" She asked.

"I'm only yours. You don't have to worry about anyone because I've only been with humans." I assured her.

Valeria looked at me suspiciously and that's when the downhill started.

"What about her?" She pointed at Evelyn who was staring at us.

Fuck. I forgot about her!

"She's been looking at you with lovey-dovey eyes all lunch and she's glaring at me." She continued.

I looked at Evelyn who was blushing but at the same time was glaring at my mate. I growled at her warningly.

"Umm, look, the situation is that um.." I scratched my neck nervously. And I couldn't look her in the eye.

"M-me and Evelyn have spent one night together. BUT we were really drunk a-and it didn't mean anything. We agreed that it was a mistake. I'm sorry.." I muttered nervously.

A light chuckle interrupted my panicking. I dared to look at Valeria.

"Calm down Alpha Lucas. That is also the past. And I'm not inexperienced myself, so I can't fully judge you." Valeria said with a shrug.

Jealousy and possessiveness got the better of me and I growled at her.

"Who is that bastard!?"

The shock of my outburst showed on her face for only a second before it was replaced by rage and she stood up. A deep silence settled in the room and I can swear that the room temperature dropped.

I got up myself to calm her down but it was too late. A low growl came from her as she answered angrily

"That bastard was my best friend who died alongside his mate protecting me from rogues!" Valeria yelled at me.

"Saved me the trouble.." I mumbled to myself but of course she heard it. The slap came so hard and fast that my head turned to the side. Everyone looked at us in shock. The pain brought by the slap was no match for what it felt like to look at Valeria's painful expression..

"How dare you! You know what, I don't regret being with Nathan because I wanted to give myself to someone I loved and who loved me! I wish he would have been my mate because I don't see that I could ever love you after this." I saw how tears began to form in her eyes.

"I apologize to everyone for this incident, but if you will allow me, I will leave now." And so she walked out of the room.

Before I could even recover from the shock, Onyx forcibly took full control of my body.

I must have messed everything up. Fuck.

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