Chapter 22

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Onyx's pov

We finally got to start the journey home. Valeria is a little dejected and in her own thoughts, so I let her be. If only someone else knew how to let me be.

"My love? What the hell Onyx?" Lucas snapped.

"That's what I call her and Valeria knows and accepts it. Unlike you, I'm on good terms with her. Why did you have to fight with her again?" I asked, annoyed.

Yes. You should show respect to Alpha and that is how werewolves work, but Valeria is our mate. I see and treat her equally. Lucas can't seriously think he can order her.

I sighed. Maybe I'm too old a wolf for this young Alpha. Our views are so different.

"I don't know, okay! Everything about that Nathan guy just makes my blood boil and I lose all rational thought." Lucas was silent for a moment until he continued.

"And I can't understand why there isn't a guard with her if she's outside the pack's boundaries! I'm already in love with her and I have to protect her. I guess you think so too?" Lucas asked.

I can't deny that every cell in my body was screaming for me to protect my mate, but I would do anything to make her happy. And I don't think for a second that Valeria would be happy if I tried to lock her in a packhouse or that there would be someone around her constantly looking after her.

"I understand what you mean Lucas, but I want her to be happy and you know it very well yourself that it won't work if you try to control her. Don't you think there is a reason why her family has let her move around alone? We must trust her. She knows how to take care of herself."

Lucas was silent for a long time after this, probably thinking about my words. During the rest of the trip, Valeria and I talked about all kinds of things, getting to know each other better. I tell her about our family, she looks forward to meeting my siblings.

She said she was also looking forward to meeting Liam's mate Rosie, as she said Liam had been talking so much about her. Even though I'm a rational Alpha wolf, a small part of me was jealous of their friendship and I can feel that Lucas is maybe a little more. Damn this possessiveness.

Valeria fell asleep during the rest of the journey and I had to wake her up when we arrived in the yard of the packhouse.
"Valeria my love, wake up we're here." I told her gently. She opened her beautiful eyes and slowly woke up, after which she looked around with interest.

"Wow. Your pack is much bigger than ours." Valeria said admiring the several buildings and houses that had been built near the packhouse.

"Well, we are the second strongest and biggest pack." I replied proudly.

"So humble." Valeria giggled.

Liam, Evelyn and the warriors arrived in another car. The warriors bowed and continued on their way to their homes. Liam came to us looking tired.

"I slept the whole way" he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Haha I didn't stay awake the whole way myself. Saying goodbye to my family was hard and all that crying made me sl-" Valeria's sentence was interrupted when someone bumped into her. Evelyn.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Luna." She said anything but sincere and continued on her way to the packhouse.

"What the hell is her problem!?" I growled at Lucas.

"How would I know?" Lucas answered

Stupid human.

"Are you okay my love?" I asked as I took her into my arms.

"Pff, don't worry Onyx. Do you think I care about her tantrums? I know there's a reason for her behavior, but as long as she stays out of my way, everything's fine." Valeria assured, glancing at Liam at the same time. Why?

"Why do I get the feeling they have secrets between them?" Jealousy was clear in Lucas's voice.

"Don't you dare start! You've done enough damage already. Liam is only loyal to Valeria, she is his Luna." I warned him.

Someone cleared their throat and I glanced questioningly at Liam.

"Alpha Onyx, uh I'm just thinking about accommodation arrangements. Shall I prepare the guest room for Valeria or are you in your suite?" Liam asked.

I looked at Valeria in surprise. I haven't even thought about the whole thing. Usually mates move in together immediately and many complete the mating either immediately after meeting or within a few days.
Our situation is different, thanks to Lucas. It wouldn't be a problem for me to make Valeria mine right away, but I'll just have to wait.

"A suite is fine for me." Valeria interrupted my thoughts.

"Are you sure you can handle Lucas's company?" I asked. I want her to be comfortable.

"Hey!" Lucas whined but I paid no attention to him.

"I'll be fine with him." She put her hands on my chest and whispered in my ear "and you are with me too. Maybe we can pick up where we left off?" My breath hitched and I looked at Valeria with wide eyes.

I cleared my throat and answered flustered
"Haha um y-yes it works." Argh what's wrong with me! How does this woman make me so shy!

"What does she mean Onyx? What have you done?" Oh, I forgot Lucas.

Luckily our family interrupted us before I had to start explaining anything. The door of the packhouse opened and a small group of people hurried in our direction. At the head of the group marched our furious mother. She must have heard what Lucas did.

I quickly turned to Valeria and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm leaving for a moment my love. I will let Lucas experience our mother's rage." I smiled at her and turned back to face the group. Before handing control over to Lucas, I had to taunt him for a moment.

"Good luck with our mother." I chuckled at him and disappeared into the back of his mind.

"Oh fuck.." Lucas cursed.

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