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Clan Name:

Clan Name Reasoning:

Clan Territory: (Describe details, too! Special places, training grounds, etc)

Clan's Camp: (Detail!)

Clan Members: (You don't have to mention every single Clan member, but please mention at least one prominent member with a name and appearance! A full allegiance list from Leader to Elders is nice, though.)

Clan Lore: (How did they get their name? A legend, story, origin, etc)

Clan Skills: (Are they known for their speed, strength, grace, intelligence, etc?)

Clan Demenor: (Are they known to be aggressive, kind, etc?)

Clan's Favourite Prey:

Unique Assets: (Do they have a different naming system, different beliefs/values, rituals, etc?)

Other Clans Around Them: (If any)

Clan's Code/Rules:


Harsh Rating, Medium Rating or Soft Rating? (Harsh means that I'll pick it apart for flaws and try hard to give advice, negative or positive. Medium means that it's just average, and Soft means that It'll be very soft, and potentially a bit sugarcoated.)

I also rate Rogue Groups, Tribes and other groups/alternate Clans!

Please be as detailed as you can!

If your Clan is not super well-thought-out, maybe think a bit more before submitting!

Rating Your Warrior Cat FanClan! (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now