Valley's Kin

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Clan name; Valley's Kin. Very unique! I like it! 

Name reasoning; they're the kin that live in the valley. Elaborate? Are they all related, or do they just consider themselves kin by relation? 

Kin territory: A U-valley with little trees that cling to the walls of the valley, weirdly, the valley is also filled with rocky terrain and spiked rocks that come out of the ground which attract many burrowing animals like mice. There is a small stream that runs through the whole valley dubbed 'Nettle's current' after the founder of the clan. Cool, but some more details would be nice. What kind of shrubbery or trees? Any special prey? More landmarks, training areas, etc? 

Camp: A huge hole in the ground which is covered with many rocks on the sides which act as dens within the cracks between. The nursery is situated right above the entrance with a slope away from the opening of the cave to prevent kits from falling off easily. The elder's den is one of the two only dens that are completely on the ground, having ivy hanging in the entrance of the cave. The medicine cat den is the other den on the ground, having two thin and long rocks to act as shelves in the cave including two different sections of the cave, both equally as big, one is used for the diseased and quarantined while the other is used for basically everything else (injuries, upset stomachs, etc etc) The apprentice den is slightly higher than the nursery, it needs powerful jumps to get up and In case they can't be weak legs or other reasons, there is a small tunnel leading up to the den. The Rangers (Warrior) den, is the second highest point, instead of a tunnel there are small indents in the rock and dirt to have an alternative way of getting up if they can't leap to their dens, it is laced in moss and vines in the cave and the ceiling seems like it could fall at any moment (wink wink nudge nudge). The Chieftain's den is the highest point of the camp and also acts as the meeting point, like all the others, it requires them to leap up to be in their den, right now, there is the construction of the den to have an alternative way to get up in case there was a time for a leader that was disabled or unable to jump that high. Cool! I like the amount of detail. 

CLANMATES; Right now, I only have one cat that is completely finished in terms of story and name and that's the leader, Wolftail; The Flicker of Light, a light gray with dark gray paws and tail with greenish-blue eyes. In the current story after the warrior den falls and basically almost every warrior dies or is severely injured or traumatized, she takes on the responsibility of training every apprentice (about 5-7 to be concise) (not to mention the last leader, Nettleleaf; The Bringer of Kin her mother died recently and the deputy died from the cave in) She was gained the respect of every lasting Valley Kin cat and was crowned Chieftain. Okay, that's cool! Although I'd think Apprentice training would just... halt until the Clan was gathered again, considering there are a lot of things to do and be in charge of? And if a few warriors survived, which I'm not sure any did, I'd think they'd help in the training. 

Cats I am still figuring out stories for:

Leopardsong — Wolftail's adoptive son, he was an apprentice when the Great Rockfall happened. He is a tan tom with leopard-like spots and a white underbelly and muzzle with violet-blue eyes. With a long scar that goes from his belly to his eye. that's all I have now. Cool! I like his design. Violet-blue eyes are a thing I don't see often, and aren't the most realistic, but I'm 100% guilty of using them. (Violetwish from S.S, and Swanbubble from P.V) 

Cats I am still deciding the story and name of; 

A black she with many scars littering her pelt. (Planning on naming her poison-related. Like Foxglove or Deadly Nightshade. Foxgloveleaf? ) May I suggest Larkspur or Nettle as names/prefixes? Both are poisonous. Nightshade or Foxglove are also good! 

A white tom with blue eyes and a ripped-off tail, fully deaf. Cool. Is he a warrior, or Medicine cat, or retired? 

And a silver classic tabby she-cat with a snaggletooth and ripped ears with yellow eyes. Alright

Kin lore, so basically the original clans had fallen (due to disease and human destruction) and StarClan sought other clans to guide and found four and led them to the "Feline's paw" but the clans rejected the customs and rules that StarClan gave them, claiming they were either too dumb or illogical at best, seeing that StarClan could not form them into a replacement clan, they left and placed a curse on the clans, which made the rain come more often, and hail, sleet and snow able to happen in any season (though Gibbous and Crescent moons have really good weather for some reason)  Cool! The curse part is interesting. 

Valley's Kin is known to have amazing fighting skills, as well as exceptional climbing and jumping abilities, with hooked claws and powerful legs. They are known to be hostile but careful, which is caused by the rocky terrain in their territory that houses many types of snakes, including venomous ones. Because of their hostility, they are often stereotyped as untrustworthy and bloodthirsty and are usually the villains in an elder's tale. On top of their hostility, they are very coordinated seemingly able to read each other's mind and respond accordingly. Makes sense. But I'm still not completely sure, are they actually all blood-kin, or just consider themselves close enough to be kin-by-relation? 

Valley's Kin cats like fish since they are very rare in Nettle's Current, especially big fish as that is the primary stream and other, small brooks hold too small of fish to even be worth catching. They value safety and clean pelts. As the rocky valley is hazardous and with various animals that can easily hurt or murder a cat, like coyotes, bighorn sheep, adders, and occasional cougars, scars are often to see among cats, and having little to no scars show you are a great warrior and an value to their Kin. There are only two known cats of Valley Kin that have no scars whatsoever, and that is Wolftail and an elder? Maybe I'm still deciding on who's the second. I'd think that Wolftail would have more scars, considering she led an entire Clan for moons, trained apprentices, and likely faced many challenges. 

The other Kinships around Valley's Kin are the Taiga's Kin, Plains's Kin, and Beach's Kin. Okay

✯The Kin must be led by a leader, a second and at least two healers. Is the second leader just, like, a deputy? 

✯A leader must consult with the deputy and healers before making an important decision like starting a war. Fair enough. 

✯On the next day of a full moon, all cats of the Kinships must meet in the center of The Feline's Paw at dawn and share food, celebrate, and socialize. Fighting is prohibited unless it is for sport. What is the Feline's paw again? I don't really understand it's use or purpose. 

✯The Gathering of the Kinships will be held until the gibbous or crescent moon arrives. Okay, cool. 

✯Kinship's territories must be respected and to never be trespassed upon, healers have an exception of this. Fair

✯Healers of all Kins may and can trespass onto other's territories if they're herb stock is low. Alright

✯The attacking and murder of elders and kits are strictly prohibited and may be punishable by exile. I'd think the murder of any cat would be punishable by exile. 

✯Healers are not to be attacked, as they are the kin's support when kinmates get injured. Okay. 

✯Each Kin's respective claw of the Feline's Paw is responsible for the food (for the first day), shelter, and possible deaths that occur that aren't by natural means. Cool! 

✯Cats are allowed to have mates outside their respective clans and any kits that come from it will live with their birth parent and are able to decide between the two kinships the parents come from. That's cool.

✯Kinships ultimately come first before anybody else. Makes sense. 

✯Cats are able to change kinships two times only, the last time will be the kinship they pledge allegiance to. Not the best system for proving loyalty and staying true to one Clan, but okay. 

✯Parents from different Kinships may see their kits with at least 2 providers at their side. Fair enough.

Overall, Vally's Kin is a pretty good Clan/group! There were a few things that weren't 100% clear, but that's okay. They get a 7/10.

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