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Clan name: FallowClan. Cool!

Clan name reasoning: A cat named Fallow and his group lived in a barn, When it caught on fire They ran away and found multiple cats to make a clan with, They found a territory and started fixing it and so on. So, it's named after their first leader? 

Clan territory: There are forests and big landscapes all over, leading to the mountains and thick forest where there are other groups of cats. Okay. A few more details would be nice! 

Clan camp: A slope which has flat stones, forming all around their lake which is rushing through to the Cave of Secrets (their moonstone) which has many glittering waterfalls and lakes, there lives the tribe of Moons(StarClan) which are more cats the more they d(e. The really important cats live in a cave in the middle of the flat stones, which is a little high up so there is a staircase of stones, while the other roles sleep between the stones and rocks. There is also a small place with grass around the lake, the lake is going fast and Can overflow any minute, so the half-moon-fighters (elders) watch over from a level really close to the lake. Cool! 

Clan members:  Callowstar- A darkgray tom who has amber eyes. (Father to RaveNew (kit), AceNew, CoalTrain(app), GailTrain and SorrowFlame.) Alright! Ravenew and Acenew are really unique names. Was Ravenew supposed to be Ravennew? 

StoneFlats- A light grey tom/fighter(deputy) with blue eyes. Okay.

SorrowFlame-A hazel molly/fighter with amber eyes. Cool!

FallowStars(when leaders retire, they have an 's' after star)- A hazel tom with amber eyes. Nice.

GapHalf-moon- A grey molly with blue eyes. (Litter 1: CallowStar, SaimFrailMoon(Moonfighter), HazeSkyMoon, CaveFrame, FayTrainMoon & JayNewMoon(last 2 died from being too weak on The way to their camp) Litter 2: ScaleHazeMoon, FrayLegMoon, JeyTrainMoon, OmoNewMoon & OhoNewMoon Litter 3: FazeHayNews) That's a lot of kits. The double-word prefixes are a bit confusing and hard to say/keep track of, but that's fine. What's with the 'Moon' at the end of a lot of the names?

FazeHayNews(queen)-A reddish molly with raven-yellow eyes. (Expecting) What are 'raven-yellow eyes?" 

Clan lore: Fallow was a rouge living far away from his camp he didn't know about. With his tribe, as They called it, Fay in The red Barn, They witnessed a fire and had to evacuate, though the other tribes living close said no to them joining, so they set off to find a new home, on that trip they saw many cats and demanded to help, They got bigger and bigger when they stopped getting more cats, they had 40 cats and many died of sad reasons, some of them being: too weak to walk more, hunger, saying yes to be eaten so The clan had food, protecting The clan from danger, sickness, falling off mountains, drowning and many more, so The tribe of Moon became bigger and bigger When They found their dear home, They were only 16 left and some d¡ed making it 13. So, some cats let themselves be Cannibalized? That's rough. And that's a pretty extreme drop. Over half of the cats dying is a lot. How long was the journey? What season? If it was Leafbare for a large portion of the journey, that many losses would make sense. And if there were so many cats, I would assume that they would have enough fit hunters to keep their ranks fed, and not have to resort to cannibalism. 

Clan skills: They are known for having a lot of diffs that they were used to, so Fallow decided to make a mix, starclan was turning into a tribe, and they took the names of kits, apps and warriors from all diff cats. The wording here is a bit confusing. Listing their skills is better than just saying 'a mix'. And what did StarClan turning into a tribe have to do with it? And how would Fallow decide their own skills? Skills are developed and 

Clan demeanour: Known to be strong, stealthy and ready for anything, considering they know what their dear First cats had been through. Alright.

Clan's fav prey: Fish, mice, birds, bats and squirrels. Cool

Unique assets: Kits have New instead of Kit, apps have Train or Trains, warriors have both fighter and defender, The fighters are looked up to, the leader is called head-leader, dep is newest leader, Queens have News on the end of their warrior name, retired Leaders have Stars and elders are called half-moons have half-moons behind their name. Okay, cool. Very unique!

Closest clans/tribes: The tribe of Light, CayClan, and Fray tribe of cats. Alright. Couldn't they have sought refuge in those Clans/Tribes instead of suffering a long journey + setting up a new home?

Clan rules/code: The warrior code, only that it's normal to have more apps, but only When They have a lot, like now. FallowClan got many New cats from a two-leg territory and They had kits, it's also normal to Get more litter and many kits. Okay... Again, the wording here is confusing.

Okay! Overall, FallowClan is very unique. There are several plot holes and places where the explanations could be stronger, but they have a great start! They get a 7/10, thank you for submitting!

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