Chapter 21- Ceremony

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"Okay, all done!" Meliodas says as he jumps down the stairs.

"Ta-da~ alright, what do you think? This would make an awesome new uniform for the Boar Hat too! But these pants make me have slight PTSD." Meliodas says as he looked at the green flare jean-like pants almost identical to the one he wore that fateful day.

The white shoes weren't helping much either but they will make it easier for him to move around.

"Wow, you look very beautiful, Sir Meliodas!" M/n said as he stood up. Meliodas slightly blushed at the compliment from the prince.

"Thanks!" Meliodas says while giving the bluenette his signature closed eyed smile-that's only meant for M/n- Destiny then came down as well in her new outfit.

"This is so comfortable!" Destiny said happily as she twirled in her dress that had a hood connected to it along with long sleeves but the shoulder area was none existent.

"You look great Destiny!" M/n said.

"Where did you two get the new outfits from?"Hawk asks.

"It was a gift from M/n." Destiny says.

"I wanted them to look nice for the ceremony." M/n explained.

"And my clothes fit perfectly. Guess you know my size pretty well since we've shared a bed every night." Meliodas says in a teasing tone while also having a smirk on his face. M/n blushed knowing he meant more than just "sharing a bed".

"Ew." Destiny says having already come up with an idea of what he meant.

'Why do they always do this shit to me?' Destiny thought.

"I too am all set to go." Gowther says.

"Who the heck picked out that outfit for you?" Meliodas, Hawk, and Destiny ask.

"What's that? Oh, that would be my sweet one of course, my beloved." Gowther says.

"Meliodas! Did you give my baby drugs! I thought I specifically told you not to give them to him!" Destiny scolded the blond.

"Hey! I didn't do shit!" Meliodas said in a defensive tone.

"Hey, hey, looks like everyone's having fun." King says.

"And you're dressed like always...what's going on with your hood, dude? Is that a helmet?" Hawk asks.

"Oh, this? It's a special gift from my best friend." King says.

'Since when does he have friends?' Destiny thought to herself.

"Hey guys, come take a look outside!" Diane called. The group walked outside to the giant girl.

"You have a new outfit too diane!" Destiny says.

"You like it? This is just something King put together for me." Diane explained and destiny turned to King.

"What?" King asked, confused. Merlin then appeared.

"Good morning, Lady Merlin." M/n says.

"Good morning, M/n." Merlin greeted back before Ban came out.

"What's with all of this commotion out here?" Ban asks with a yawn.

"Ban's wearing his new costume-WAIT! NO HE'S NOT! BAN WHERE IS IT?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR NEW OUTFIT?!" Diane yelled.

"Now, now, please calm down." M/n said nervously.

"Oooo, Ban's in trouble." Destiny says in a teasing and playful tone.

"Outfit? Wait, you mean that thing hanging in my room?" Ban asks.

"King and I spent a lot of time picking out those clothes just for you, you jerk! Come on!" Diane begged with a pout.

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