Chapter 20- Smut

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"Sir Meliodas? know I have an actual door, right?" M/n asks in a joking tone as he pointed to his bedroom door as Meliodas closed the Prince's balcony door.

The Prince had clearly just finished taking a shower as his still damp hair and the towel around his waist was evidence enough to back it up.

"Did you need something?" M/n asks as he opens one of the drawers to his triple dresser.

Meliodas stayed quiet causing the prince to worry as he went to say something he felt Meliodas wrap his arms around his waist from behind and bury his face into his back.

"Sir Meliodas, what's wrong?" M/n asked softly as he turned around towards the male who now buried his face into his chest.

"Please, stop calling me that...even if it's just for tonight..." Meliodas whispered.

"What do you me-mmph!" Meliodas cut the prince off by pulling him down and smashing their lips together.

M/n blushed with wide eyes having been caught off guard by the sin.

M/n closed his eyes after a moment of shock and he placed his hands on the blond's waist.

Meliodas moved his arms down and laid his hands on top of M/n/ arms before lightly pushing the male back against his dresser causing the clothes he had taken out to drop to the floor.

M/n pulled away from the kiss first much to Meliodas's dismay.

Both males were out of breath, eyes fixated on the others as they tried to even out their breathes before M/n leaned down, gently cupped the blonds cheeks and pressed their lips back together though this time the kiss was more passionate and rough as if they've finally been able to release all of the tension that had been building up since their first kiss.

Meliodas pushed M/n roughly back against the dresser as his arms were by the princes' side and hands were placed on top of the said dresser.

Meliodas pulled away and trailed small kisses down M/n's neck leaving behind some marks as he trailed his way down further only to be stopped as M/n pushed him back slightly and picked him up before turning and placing the blond on top of the dresser.

M/n copied Meliodas and trailed soft lingering kisses all over the blonds neck as he undid the blonds red tie and let it fall to the ground before unbuttoning his waist coat and white dress shirt but he left those on him as he left behind his own marks on Meliodas' neck.

"What exactly do you want me to do, Meliodas?" M/n asked with a breathy voice causing a little whimper to escape the captain of the sins as the prince's warm breath hit his skin.

"Just...distract me." Meliodas says.

"As you wish...don't blame me later though..." The prince said, muttering the last part to himself.

M/n moved back slightly before bringing meliodas back onto the ground, hands placed on his waist as he lent down pressing tender kisses down Meliodas' body, starting with his forehead, then cheek, after chin, then jaw, his sensitive neck.

After a moment he moved down to Meliodas' collar bone, slightly moving open his shirt and waistcoat more as he made his way down the captain's chest, then abs where he spent a long time placing his marks on each one of his abs.

His hands moved down the blonde's body before they landed on his belt and secretly undid it before unbuttoning the button as his lips trailed down his stomach causing him to drop to his knees in front of the flushed blond who was already breathing heavily.

M/n pulled down the blonds pants and boxers until his dick sprung out and slightly grazed the princes' cheek causing a gasp to escape Meliodas.

M/n continued kissing the male's stomach as his right hand placed a loose grip around his dick before he started giving lazy pumps to the sensitive organ.

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