chapter 22- Fight

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'Huh, that's weird...I thought Elizabeth would be here. She said she was coming here...' M/n thought to himself as he walked into the Boar Hat.

"Huh, hey there M/n." Meliodas greeted.

"I have a question that I want to ask you. Are you going on another journey?" M/n asks.

"I sure am." Meliodas says.

"Alright, then I'll go get some of my things so I can join you." M/n says.

"There's no need." Meliodas says as he bent down causing M/n to have to move closer to see the male.

"What do you mean?" M/n asks with a frown on his face.

"I mean you're not coming with me." Meliodas says as he stood back up and turned towards the shelf's to pull out a bottle of ale.

"Huh, is something wrong? You've been acting very strange lately." M/n says.

Meliodas stopped his movements before he vanished causing the prince to become confused for a moment before M/n felt the blond's hands start to grope his behind, said blond bent slightly down and started feeling up the prince's thighs while running his cheek against the gentle curve of the Prince's right hip.

"Still think I'm acting strange? I'm the same me as always." Meliodas says. M/n's bangs started to form a shadow over his eyes as he shoved the blond away causing Meliodas to fall onto the floor and land on his butt.

"You can't just act like that one second and then shut me out the next!" M/n snapped.

Meliodas didn't look up, his blond bangs hid his eyes from view.

"W-was this all just some game to you?! You got bored so you decided to throw me away like used trash?! Has all of our moments spent together meant nothing to you?! I can't believe I let someone like you..." m/n stopped his sentence but Meliodas already knew what the prince was going to say.

"You know what...goodbye." M/n says as he walks past Meliodas and out of the tavern.

Meliodas bit down on his bottom lip, drawing some blood as he pulled his legs up towards his chest and buried his face into his knees.

'I-I'm sorry...but I can't lose you again.' Meliodas thought to himself as tears fell down his eyes and landed on his pants with some hitting the ground


"Hey M/n...what's up with you?" Destiny asks as she takes a seat next to the bluenette on the bench.

"I...I had a fight with Meli-Sir Meliodas...and I might've been a little...I might've been too harsh on him." M/n said as he looked at the ground.

Destiny sighed.

"What happened?" Destiny asks as she turns her body slightly to the prince.

"Well, my older sister Margaret informed me and Elizabeth that you and sir Meliodas would be going on another journey so Elizabeth headed to the tavern and after a while of thinking I headed there myself to talk to sir Meliodas..." M/n explained.

"Yeah, yeah. Then you talked about going with us and Meliodas declined saying "you're not coming with me." And then what?" Destiny asks.

"Then...I confronted him about his weird behaviour lately and he started touching me, claiming "I'm the same me as always." So I shoved him away and he fell to the ground and...I went off on choice of words might've suggested him to be a whore..." m/n says.

'Déjà vu, is that you my old friend?' Destiny thought to herself.

"Hey, do you remember that tremor that happened yesterday?" Destiny asks.

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