Chapter 13- Sword

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"Hey captain, is around here okay?" Diane asks.

"Yeah, it's a little far from town but we'll be alright if we can do some promoting." Meliodas says.

"Thanks for everything, Hawks mom." Elizabeth says.

"Why don't you rest for a bit too, Diane." M/n says.

"Sure. I'll just grab a little shut eye until the tavern opens than. Good night you guys." Diane says as she laid on the ground and got comfortable.

Meliodas, Elizabeth, Hawk, and M/n headed back inside.

"Alright everyone, why don't we get ready to open up? Me, Ban, and King will handle the food stacks. M/n, you and Destiny stay here and set everything up. Elizabeth, you and Hawk head down to the village and spread the word and could you also buy some herbs while you're out there." Meliodas says.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Hawk asks.

"Hawk, I'm perfectly capable of going shopping." Elizabeth says.

"I know, but the holy knights are still after you. Wouldn't it be better if she stayed here and Destiny went in her place?" Hawk asks.

"She can just wear a cloak or shall." Destiny says.

"Good idea." Elizabeth says excitedly. After Elizabeth got ready everyone headed out.

"Destiny, can I ask you something?" M/n asks.

"What's up?" Destiny asks.

"Has sir Meliodas ever carried around a real weapon?" M/n asks.

"Huh, of course he has. What would make you think he hasn't?" Destiny asks.

"Well, when I was searching his closet I found more than just that one sword. If he has perfectly good swords why did he only fight with that broken one?" M/n asks.

"The answer is actually pretty simple itself. He's too powerful." Destiny says causing M/n's eyes to widen.

"No one who's crossed swords with him has lived to tell the tail...well, that's a lie. There was one person who evenly matched him...Meliodas...he's a complicated soul. Honestly, I doubt you'll see him wilding a sword in this century." Destiny says.

"Oh...I see." M/n mumbled before the door opened.

"We're back." Elizabeth says as she and Bawk entered the tavern.

"Welcome back. Did you get the herbs?" Destiny asks.

"Yes." Elizabeth says as Destiny walked towards her. M/n made his way upstairs and into his and Meliodas' shared room.

His mind went back to the night they found king but more specifically to the kiss he and Meliodas shared.

M/n went red at the thought as the memories flooded back into his brain. The two hadn't talked about it. Neither of them had the courage to bring it up.

M/n frowned as his eyes landed on the sword he was using a while back.

"Meliodas sure is late..." M/n muttered as he walked over to the sword leaning on the dresser and crouched down running his fingers running over the gem at the end of the handle.

"I see so Meliodas survived? I'm so glad to hear that."

M/n stopped his movements as he heard a familiar yet unfamiliar voice coming from upstairs. He unconsciously picked up the sword before leaving the room and sitting down at the top of the staircase to listen in.

"Here." Elizabeth said, placing a drink down in front of Cain.

"Sorry about this, I hate to trouble you princess." Cain says.

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