Chapter 15- Kings Past

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"Huh, where are we?" M/n asks as he looks at the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth called out.

"I happily welcome you home to Liones." A voice says, causing Elizabeth to scream and hide behind M/n.

"A-are you the one who brought us here? I beg you to take us back to sir Meliodas!" Elizabeth says before the mage vanishes.

Suddenly a monstrous noise was heard causing the two siblings to scream.

"Hawk?!" M/n says.

"Where the hell are we?! I've had it with all of this crap! Let's go! Let's go, let's go!" Hawk says before he charged at the door successfully taking it down as he got out of the room to take a dump.

"Okay, mission accomplished." Hawk says as he reappears with a bleeding head.

"Why me?..." M/n muttered.

"Oh no, Hawk you're bleeding." Elizabeth says before they hear a door open.

"The hells going on out here?" A guard asks.

"Hawk, attack!" M/n whispered.

"Rolling Ham Attack!" Hawk says as he charges the man into the wall.

"Alright, now let's beat it!" Hawk says.

"Great idea Hawk." M/n says as they take off.


"Don't let Meliodas use full counter!"

The knights charged at the sins Destiny blocked their attacks before sending the flying.

Meliodas dodged until he could land a solid hit on them.

"Don't think you can beat us without using magical powers, dumbasses. Of course even with them you'd still lose. Geez, these guys don't let up, do they?" Ban asks.

"Looks like we're going to have to wipe them all out after all." Meliodas says.

"There's a simpler way." Gowther says as he walks past them.

"Sacred Treasure: Twin Bow Herritt." Gowther says summoning his sacred treasure.

"Seriously?!" Meliodas says.

"Where the hell was he hiding that?" Ban asks.

"Do you really wanna know the answer to that?" Destiny asks.

"Yeah, you've got a point there." Ban says.

"Now rewrite light!" Gowther says multiple arrows shooting out of his bow.

"Gowther, you know those arrows didn't do a thing, don't you buddy?" Ban asks as he gives gowther a weird look before the holy knights hug them.

"Fuck no! Help me!!" Destiny cried out.

"Hey, uh, Gowther, what's going on here man?" Meliodas asks.

"It's actually a very simple trick. The holy knights now view us as loved ones they haven't seen in a long time stopping them in their tracks." Gowther explained.

"So you rewrite their memories, huh?" Meliodas says.

"Shhh. It's nothing more than a stop gap. Once they notice the discrepancies in their memories they'll return to normal. Moreover, their memory of being under this spell will be deleted." Gowther says.

"Don't you ever use that on us, got it?!" The three of them say.

"Roger that." Gowther says.

****Time skip****

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