Chapter 11- Veronica

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After Diane's fight it was Meliodas' turn.

"Do your best out there captain." Diane says.

"Don't kill the guy." Destiny says.

"What, I would never." Meliodas says, causing Destiny to give him a look as Meliodas smiled innocently.

"Promise you'll avenge me, okay?" king says.

"Do it yourself." Meliodas says as he walks off causing Destiny to laugh.

"I have to say you really are the spitting image of him. I had my suspicions the second that I saw your face but when I heard that your name was Meliodaf I knew my hunch just had to be right." Cain says.

"Huh?" Meliodas questioned.

"The truth is your Meliodas' son, that is the case now, isn't it?" Cain asks.

"Actually, I'm Meliodas if you wanna know. Also I would never name my kid Meliodaf, it's a stupid name." Meliodas says.

"You're talking nonsense! There's no way Meliodas could be a whippersnapper like you." Cain says.

"Shhh! It's a long story but I'm using another name." Meliodas says.

"If Meliodas were alive today he oughta be be a young man, an adult in his thirties or so." Cain says.

"Why can't people just believe me?" Meliodas thought out loud.

"The fact that you don't even remember me makes it hard to believe your story." Cain says, causing the blind to shrug.

"If M/n wasn't there then there's really no point in holding onto such useless memories." Meliodas says as he holds his hands behind his head.

"If it's true that you really are the same Meliodas I used to know all those years ago." Cain stopped as he started attacking Meliodas who blocked every hit.

"I swear I'll never forgive what you've done." Cain says as he takes his cloak off.

"Oh, hey, you're from danafor." Meliodas say's uninterested.

"What possessed you to destroy the whole kingdom?!" Cain questioned as Meliodas got hit with a fireball.

"What possessed you to kill all of my people?!" Cain questioned as Meliodas got hit again.

"What are you doing?! You've gotta fight back now!" Diane says.

"He hasn't fully recovered from fighting Ban yet." King says.

"Nope, that's not it. He's doing it on purpose." Destiny says.

"Why?" Elizabeth asks but destiny just shrugs.

"What possessed you to kill Liz?! The woman you loved?!" Cain questioned causing Meliodas to snap his face twitching in irritation and annoyance.

"Poor guy." Destiny says as she lets out a sigh.

"Maybe get your facts straight before you go accusing someone of committing those crimes. I tried saving everyone, but just like always you humans are ungrateful, useless, little pieces of dirt. And for the last time I was never and am never going to be in love with Liz!" Meliodas says as his tone grew annoyed and irritated before the fireball vanished.

"The counter vanish technique. The ability that can nullify any offensive magic that's pointed in your direction. Without a doubt, you're the same Meliodas I knew alright." Cain says.

"No really, Cain Barzad? Maybe if you had ears and a brain you'd figure it out sooner." Meliodas says.

"Ohhh, that's Cain..." Destiny says.

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