Chapter 6- Delilah and Ban

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"Huh...another human? That's the tenth one today!" Delilah grumbled as she felt the presence of a human approaching the fountain.

'Elaine is the lucky one who barely has to defend off any humans because they never come when it's her turn to guard! How unfair!' Delilah complained to herself as she got ready.

"A miracle treasure guarded by a holy woman. The fountain of youth and anyone who chugs the water flowing from out of that cup is in for a nice dose of immortality, huh? Talk about blowing things out of proportion. I don't see an old hag guarding any miracles around here." Ban says. Delilah's face twitched as she flew down behind the male.

"Who do you think you are calling me an old hag, you weak, pathetic, swine of a human?!" Delilah questioned in a loud tone of voice as she punched the male's back.

'Ow...' Delilah thought as tears came into her vision as she withdrew her fist.

"Huh?" Ban turned around and looked at the levitating girl with confusion

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"Huh?" Ban turned around and looked at the levitating girl with confusion.

'Is she lost or something?' Ban questioned as he looked at her teary eyes before realizing something.

"Wait, did you just punch me?" Ban questioned.

"Well...yes." Delilah said.

"Oh...I thought that might've been a fly or something." Ban says while giving her a closed eyes smile completely missing the glare she gave him. Delilah extended her hand out before Ban went flying behind her into the forest.

"SHIT!" Ban yelled as he fell.

"The audacity of that human." Delilah muttered as she messaged her hand.


"Out of bed you lazy butts! Come and get your breakfast!" Hawk shouted from downstairs.

"M/n...M/n...WAKE UP!" Meliodas yelled as he shook the male's body but upon not receiving a reaction of any kind the blond went into a panic state.

"Stop..." M/n whispered as he wasped the blond's hands away from him and turned to his other side, his back now facing Meliodas who began to calm down. Meliodas let out a breath he was holding in before leaning down to the Prince's ear.

"Wake up or I'll shove you off the bed." Meliodas whispered, causing the prince to squirm as the hot air hit his skin. M/n's eyes fluttered open and he took in his surroundings before looking at the person whose hand was on his shoulder.

"S-sir Meliodas...?" M/n questioned as if he was still asleep. The blond chuckled.

"Who else would it be?" Meliodas asked in a teasing tone. M/n stayed silent for a moment as he just stared up at the male.

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