Chapter 5

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I sat in the television room, waiting for Syl to get home so I could rant about my weird encounter with John this morning. It was almost midnight and it was unlike him to stay out this late and not tell me his plans. I was a bit worried especially because we were in the midst of a thunderstorm tonight. I had a really bad feeling but Claire kept telling me to be positive.
"He's okay. Probably got caught up in the office and lost track of time," she said.
I flung back my head on the couch and looked out the window at the sky. Lightning brightened my sad face up in the darkness.
"I sure hope so," I sighed, rubbing my pregnant tummy.
Just then the power went out.
What else could go wrong?
I sat there for what seemed like forever thinking of tragic scenarios of what else could possibly go wrong.
Aria, stop it! He's okay.
My cellphone rang, causing Claire and I to jump; it was Syl.
I quickly answered, "Syl baby, where are you?"
"He's in the hospital," I heard a familiar voice answered.
Wait.. What?
"John?!" I shouted, flabbergasted.
There was a sigh then he cleared his throat and replied, "Yes, Mrs. McMaster. This is John."
"What the fuck are you doing with Syl's phone? And what happened?" I shouted, struggling to get up from the couch.
"That's not the point. Just get to the Maimonides Medical Center!" he responded in a rude tone then hung up on me.
Claire helped me to my feet, asking, "What happened and why is Johnathon with Sylvester?"
"I have no idea but I'm going to the hospital to find out," I replied, heading up the stairs to change.
"I'm coming with you," I heard Claire shout.


After slipping on some jeans, Syl's Yale pullover and some boots, I grabbed the keys to Range Rover then headed to the hospital with Claire. I was in a hurry but tried to be careful on the slippery road.
"Did he say what happened to Mr. McMaster?" Claire asked.
I shook my head.

Whatever happened to Syl, I really hope it wasn't serious.
Especially now when I needed him the most.
And I had a lot of questions for John because I didn't trust his sneaky, lying ass.

As soon as we got to the hospital, I called Syl's mother, Carol, to inform her about what happened while Claire tried to find out where Syl was. Carol told me she and Syl's dad, Pierce, would be here in a few minutes. Claire and I headed up to the floor where the nurse said Syl was. I couldn't wait to see Syl and to beat Johnathon senseless.
As soon as the doors of the elevator opened, I rushed out, almost colliding into a very familiar face.
"Aria? What the fuck. Noo.. I wanted to surprise you tomorrow," she said, covering her face.
"Chelsea! What are you doing here?" I giggled, hugging her as tight as my baby bump would allow.
"Jared and I just flew in and had to rush here. He ate something bad on the plane and now his face is as big as a hot air balloon," she chuckled.
I managed to smile.
"Why are you here? It's late. Everything alright with the baby?" she asked, looking worried.
"No, I got a call about Syl. Come with us?" I responded.
She nodded then took my hand. Claire, Chelsea and I headed to the front desk where I saw John sitting in the waiting area. I released Chelsea's hand and headed straight to him instead.
"What did you do to him you piece of shit?" I yelled pushing him back into his seat as he tried to stand up.
"J-j-jesus Christ! I saved his life," he stuttered.
"Why I ought to -" I said, pulling back my fist but Claire pulled me away.
"Calm down, Aria!" Claire begged.
"Who is this guy," Chelsea asked, pointing at John.
"The gardener," Claire answered.
I tried to wiggle out of Claire's hands but she had a firm grip on me.
Johnathon got up and straightened his jacket then said, "I helped Syl out of that car. There's no need for you to act like a psycho bitch."
Everyone's jaw dropped.
"Who you calling a bitch?" Chelsea shouted, pushing Johnathon back in the chair.
That's my bestfriend.
He got back up and got in her face. "Who are you?" he asked rudely.
I got free from Claire's hands and attempted to stand between Chelsea and John to defend her.
"Get away from her and tell me what happened," I yelled, grabbing John's collar with my fist in his throat.
"What's going on here?" a nurse and Syl's dad, Pierce, chorused.
Carol briskly walked behind Pierce with a worried, confused look on her face. She still managed to look flawless in her Max Mara camel coat, white shirt and fitted jeans along with nude strappy sandals. Her long, dark hair framed her beautiful, wrinkle-free face. I couldn't help but to stare for a few seconds before letting go of Johnathon.
"We apologize for the noise, ma'am. We are all here to see Sylvester McMaster," Claire answered.
"Mr. McMaster suffered a few injuries from the car crash but he's stable. You can see him in a few minutes," she replied.
"Injuries?" Carol and I chorused.
The nurse nodded. "A blow to the head, nothing serious. And a broken arm."
We all sighed then the nurse left.
"Now tell me what happened," I got back to interrogating John.
Everyone stood there, waiting on him to respond. He looked at all of them carefully then rolled his eyes.
"I was on my way home when I saw Sylvester's car upside down on the side of the road. I hopped out of my car then dragged his unconscious body out and brought him here. That's all," he sighed.
"So you saw absolutely nothing? How it happened? No one?" I asked.
He shook his head then rubbed his chin, slouching in his seat. I looked him up and down, not believing a word he just said.
There was a long awkward pause then finally Pierce spoke, "Let's just be grateful he's okay and someone was there to help. Thank you, sir," shaking John's hand.
Ugh. What is wrong with these McMaster men?
"I don't believe shit," I muttered then stormed out of the waiting room.
"Aria," Carol said, calling me back but I continued to walk away.

Not one bone in my body trusted Johnathon Moss.

I was gonna find out what really happened to Syl so get John could get out of our lives for good.

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