I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 1

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 I hate guys! .... or so I thought.

Chapter 1

I've never been great with guys. I've had 4 boyfriends since the first grade all the way up to now in the 9th grade. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'you are way too young for guys!' and now im starting to believe it.

I'm Zoey Williams. I live a pretty boring life in Dallas, Texas. I moved here from Los Angelos, California  when I was 8 and thats pretty much it. I was always trying to live the happy fairytale life spent with my Prince Charming I thought I wanted but now I know that isn't going to happen.

My first boyfriend was some black guy in first grade that I barely remember. My second was in the beginning of seventh grade. (I know, big gap, but I moved and then I was busy with too many stuff that I didn't even think of boyfriends.) He was from my church and I met him on a trip to Alaska. His name was Bryce and he had dirty blonde hair and stood only a couple inches taller than me and he was also a year older than me. We didn't go out while we were in Alaska because I had my older brother, Zac, and my parents to deal with. When I got home, a couple weeks later, I found out he liked me. I'm the kind of girl who's not very confident in herself so I never really like guys until I know they like me back. And so I told him I liked him back. I had a friend at school that liked a lot of guys and I was an expert at getting people together so I got her together with the countless number of guys she liked and I guess I had some jealousy so I told Bryce to ask me out. Yes I told him to. That's how desperate I was.

He of course, asked me to be his girlfriend without even thinking and I stupidly said yes. But it didn't last long. In fact, it didn't even last 48 hours. We got together on thursday night and I stayed with him through friday but I had guilt in my stomach. Because I'm not allowed to date and i guess I felt bad for going behind my parents back. It's pathetic I know. So I dumped him first thing Saturday morning. He was mad at first but then he got over it. A couple months later, I went out with a mexican guy who I didn't really get to know very much. (I guess I might of still been jealous.) He was a lot taller than me but we were the same age. He asked me out on friday night. I was going to dump him on Monday beacuse I had that guilt feeling again but then I chickened out. Then, just my luck, we had no school for a the rest of the week so I didn't see him and break up with him. Then I got over the guilt feeling so I didn't break up with him that monday but apparantly he was ready so he dumped me. I wasn't really that upset because he was a terrible boyfriend.

My last boyfriend was a black guy from school named Trevor. I really did like him and we went out for a month last year. I thought everything was perfect until I saw him holding hands with another girl in the hallway. At first, I thought she was just some slut and Trevor didn't want this happening to him. But then my mind changed. Because he pulled her in for a kiss. A crazy passionaite French kiss would be a better label. He broke my heart. He obviously saw me and tryed to pull away and act like it was the girl's fault. I'm not that stupid. I know cheating when I see it.

Ever since then, I never really wanted another boyfriend. Guys really sucked at the moment so I didn't even bother. There was one thing in common of all my boyfriends: We claimed to love eachother.

It was all fake with all of them so now I officially am done with men and their so called love. But it could've been my fault too I guess. But all I know for sure is that my life sucks and I hate guys!


Hey everyone!

This is like my first ever story so please give me feedback to make it better and tell me if you just like the gist of it. Please comment!

<3 ilovepebbles

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