I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 5

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I hate guys! .... or so I thought

Chapter 5

Jack's P.O.V.

After class, I had gone to my group of friends. They were talking to me but I was studying Zoey talk with her friends. When I looked at her lips, I could make out my name.... I think.... I hope! Wow! Does she like me and now she's talking about if she should ask me out or not? It looked like her friends were happy so hopefully she would ask me out. My thoughts were interrupted by Max, my best friend who I think is going out with Teresa. He nearly tackled me to the floor and when I regained my balance and stood on my feet again he said, "Hey! Friday night I am taking Teresa to that Italian resturant on the corner of our neighborhood with Ben and Anna and I was wondering if you wanted to bring a girl and tag along."

I looked over at Zoey again. I just now realised that her friends she was talking to were Teresa and Anna. That would be perfect if I went out with Zoey because then it would be 3 best friends going out 3 best friends.

"Who would I go with?" I asked even though no matter what he said I would ask Zoey.

"I don't know but I think Michelle is digging you so maybe you should ask her." He paused a little bit to see if I would answer. When I didn't answer he continued, "It would be an easy yes!"

Michelle was the most popular girl in the school and everyone thinks she's so beautiful but honestly I think Zoey's prettier. I knew one thing for sure: I was not asking Michelle.

Zoey's P.O.V.

I was sitting on my bench, by my window in my room that was painted orange. While watching the sunset, I was thinking about what I should do about Luke and Jack. I went over the pros and cons of the situation. With Luke atleast I know I could easily get with him but with Jack I actually liked him but I'm not sure because he probably doesn't like me back. All I know is that tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day.


At lunch, I went to my group of friends who beat me to the lunch line. I said hi to Jack as I past him. He smiled and I kept moving. When I reached my group, I awkwardly smiled at Luke and he returned it back to me. Then Teresa and Anna both smiled at me sympathetically and moved the rest of the group ahead so I was left with Luke.

"I need to tell you something and I also need to ask you something." He stated.

"Shoot." I replied trying to hide the fact that I already knew pretty much exactly what he was going to say.

He took a deep breath and said, "I've had a major crush on you for a long time and I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."

I looked up into his green eyes which seemed to be pleading to me. Man, this is going to be harder than I thought. "I haven't had a very great experience with guys so I don't think I want to have another boyfriend right now." I said that to him and I felt so bad.

"Trust me. I will be different than any other boyfriend you have ever had. I will never do anything to hurt you."

"I'm so sorry but that's exactly what my other boyfriends have said to me and it didn't turn out so well."

"Maybe this will change your mind." He said as he was leaning down. I was too shocked to move but thankfully some guy who walked up a moment ago cleared his throat. He saved me and when I looked up, I immediately recognized those dreamy blue eyes.

Jack's P.O.V.

I walked up to Zoey and this other guy she was talking to and over heard the end of their conversation.

"Trust me. I will be different than any other boyfriend you have ever had. I will never do anything to hurt you." The guy said.

" I'm so sorry but that's exactly what my other boyfriends have said to me and it didn't turn out so well." Zoey replied.

"Maybe this will change your mind." He said as he was leaning down to kiss her. He made me sick. How could anyone be so stupid. It's obvious she doesn't want to be with you so don't try to make a move on her! I could tell Zoey really didn't want this to happen so I cleared my throat loudly to make sure he would stop what he was doing.

He looked at me very irritated and said in a sarcastic tone, "Hello and what can I do for you?"

I just ignored him and kept my eyes on Zoey. "So when do you think we should start going to each other's houses to start working on the project?"

Zoey's eyes looked relieved and thankful, "These next two weeks before spring break we can map out the cell in class and then the two weeks of spring break we can take turns at each other's houses to make the 3D model. Do you want me to get the paint or the clay?"

"Which ever one is most expensive I will buy. Oh and I'm going to need your number so we can discuss the project." We were to where we pick up our food in the lunch line and I was planning on sitting at Zoey's table today along with Max and Ben. My goal was to sit between Zoey and that nutjob. He obviously liked her and I didn't want to see anyone mess with her unless it was me.

Zoey's P.O.V.

I'm so glad that Jack came up at that moment. And I'm also glad he sat at our table between me and Luke. I don't know what I would do without him. I gave him my number and he gave me his and when our hands brushed against each other as we handed back our phones, I felt some electricity.

Teresa and Anna kept giggling whenever they looked at me and Jack. I hoped Jack didn't suspect anything but when I looked over at him, he was smirking. I swear I'm going to kill them after lunch.

After lunch was over, I tryed to avoid Luke as much as possible. Then science finally came. I was so happy to see Jack again. I think I really do like him and now that I admitted to myself about my feelings towards him, it felt different talking to him. We started mapping out our morphed cell and we made jokes along the way. Honestly, I wouldn't mind having one more boyfriend and that boyfriend be Jack.

Luke's P.O.V.

Man, I hate that guy Jack. He completely ruined my chances with Zoey. This is the worst day ever! First I get completely rejected by the girl I love and then some other guy obviously wins her over. Ya I can tell she likes him just by the way she looks at him. She never looked at me that way. I'm going to make Jack's and Zoey's lives miserable.

Jack's P.O.V.

Science was so much fun. Seeing Zoey laugh at all my jokes made me so happy inside. Or was that love. I couldn't tell but it didn't matter because I knew it was good.

I thought now would be the perfect time to ask her about Friday night so I asked, "Oh, I was wondering if you would like to come with me, Max, Ben, Teresa, and Anna to the Italian resturaunt down the street, are you in?" I paused waiting for her to answer but when she looked unsure I added, "It's not a date or anything just friends hanging out... unless you want it to be a date." I winked and she blushed.

"I'll have to ask my parents." She paused and then added, "Oh, and it's only going to be friends hanging out." She stuck her tongue out in a teasing way. Man, she is so beautiful.


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<3 ilovepebbles


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