I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 10

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I hate guys! .... or so I thought.

Chapter 10 

Zoey's P.O.V.

There's only three more days until Spring Break ends. I'm actually sad that it's ending this quickly. I had so much fun with Jack in the past week and a half! We went to the movies a lot, we shopped a little bit, we went out to eat at all of my favorite places, we went to the zoo, we did almost everything you could imagine. I was hoping I could still spend the last couple days with Jack but I'm not sure if he is tired of me by now or not.

My thoughts were interupted my door bell. I ran down the stairs for a reason that I did not know but when I opened, I was so happy I did. Of course it was Jack. I have never been so excited to see him. I ran back up the stairs to grab my purse before he could let out a word. By the time I got back downstairs, Jack was waiting in his car.

"I'LL BE BACK LATER MOM!" I yelled into the house before I slammed the front door shut and dashed across the lawn to his car.

He had a blue mustang, which I was so jealous of. I figured he was pretty rich because he also had an iphone and an ipad sitting in the car. I didn't have any of that stuff because my parents weren't wealthy. But I still appreciated all my stuff though.

We had been driving for awhile and we chatted a little bit but I haven't even asked him where we were going yet.

"Umm, where exactly are we headed?" I said searching out the window.

"Somewhere fun." He said with a smirk.

"Come on! Just tell me! Please!"

"Nope it's a surprise." He said shaking his head.

I grumbled and turned away pouting, pretending like I was upset. All signs of anger were washed away when we pulled into the parking lot for six flags.

This was my favorite place ever!! I used to be so scared of rollar coasters but a couple of years ago I got over it. So now I can finally ride every single ride! I'm so excited! I was literally jumping in my seat. Jack looked satisfied as he laughed and helped me out of his car.

Jack's P.O.V.

She looked like she was pretty excited. I am so glad that my plan is working. My plan was to keep Zoey happy the whole Spring Break. It wasn't the end yet but I had made it pretty far and not failed. Every time she smiled or laughed, it would make my heart feel so warm, and I wish I could do this for every day of my life.

We had rode pretty much all the rides. From the tea cups to the Titan. She didn't seem scared of them at all. She actually seemed to enjoy them. Of all the girls I've brought on dates here, were all scared of the big rollar coasters, so I couldn't enjoy myself completely. Even though I'm not on a date with Zoey, it still is the most fun I've had in ages.

We stayed there until 9:00 p.m. and we watched the glow in the dark pirade. I could see her happiness beaming out of her. I adored that look so much. I wanted to make that same look happen everyday of my life. Woah does that mean I want to marry her? Would I? I mean I admit I do have feelings for her. But she doesn't feel the same way. Right? Should I ask her if she does? Or should I just ask her out and see what she says? Or should I -

"Hey they're forcing us to leave now." She said looking over at the guards pushing the crowd out.

"Well did you have fun?" I asked.

She whirled around with her eyes wide and gave me the did-you-seriously-just-ask-me-that look. "Uhhh ya." She said matter of factly. "That was like the best time of my life.

We had reached the car by now. "Now it's going to be really hard to top that tomorrow." I said with a smirk as we both climbed into my car.

She turned in her seat looking so excited but then her faced flushed away the happiness and she looked sad. I was about to ask her what happened but she beat me and said, "I don't want you to waste any more money on me. Why are you even doing this anyway?" She turned to look at me on the last sentence.

I knew she was going to eventually ask that but I never came up with a plan to answer her. The real reason was because I had feelings for her but I wasn't sure if it would be the right move to her. So I simply stated, "First of all, I'm not wasting my money. I'm spending it as I choose. And I'm doing it because you're my friend and I like to see my friends happy." It was the truth but I just left out the part that I really liked her. I turned to look at her and she didn't seem satisfied with my answer. Did she wish that I said that I liked her? Sometimes I wish I could read her mind. Or if she would just say what's on her mind but Zoey's little shy so I don't expect her to say anything.

Zoey's P.O.V.

He told me that I was his friend and he likes to see me happy. That's a bummer. I was hoping I could be more than a friend but if he wants that then I will be happy with that.

I had no clue what we were going to do tomorrow so I asked, "What awesome thing are we doing tomorrow?" While I waited for him to answer I added quietly, "and thank you for everything."

He looked at me for a moment  but then he turned back to the road and answered, "You're very welcome. And again it's a surprise but make sure you bring a swimsuit and a towel!"

We had gotten to my house and he helped me out of the car. I was thinking about where he could be possibly taking me. It could be either be the beach or a waterpark. Either one would be perfectly fine by me.

I walked into my house. It was nearly 10 p.m. and I really hoped that my parents would either be asleep or not in the mood to ask questions. Because otherwise they would ask where I was and who I was with and I wouldn't be able to lie and then they will assume that he's my boyfriend and they might forbid me to see him again. And I don't know what I will do without him.

I slowly stalked up the stairs to my room when the door to the television room opened and out stepped my father. He looked at me surprised like he really didn't expect to see me there. My heart was beating so fast. I tried to hide my disappointment because I didn't want to make it obvious.

Then my father broke the silence. "You were out late." He said it more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah, we ended up staying for the glow in the dark show... it was really fun." I said with a smile, hiding the nervousness.

"And who did you go with again?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Oh his name is Jack... He's from my school." I said it like it was nothing.

"And you aren't like dating him or anything right? ... I mean just tell me the truth, I won't be mad at you."

"No we're just friends, dad." I said and gave him a hug and wished him goodnight.

Phew. That was close.

So tomorrow we are going somewhere that I will need a swimsuit. I'm so excited but I don't want my parents to get more suspicious. But I might as well spend the time I have with Jack wisely. Because I may not have it forever.

Jack's P.O.V.

I found myself not able to stop thinking about Zoey. I really do like her. I hope she likes me back. But no matter if she likes me or not, I have made up my mind on what I'm going to do.


Hey everyone! I hoped you liked it! If you did please comment and vote! Thanks!

<3 ilovepebbles

P.S. the next chapter is going to be great!

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2011 ⏰

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