I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 9

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I hate guys! .... or so I thought.

Chapter 9

Jack's P.O.V

We finished painting the project and I would often find myself staring at her. Then, every once in awhile, she would look up and glare at me. Even with her hair completely messed up and her angry face on, she still looked beautiful.

After we completely finished painting, she asked, "Were you serious about the movie?"

"Yeah of course! Why? Do you not want to go?"

"Maybe if you didn't attack me with paint, then I would love to go to the movies with you, but since you did attack me, then I really wish to stay here." She said matter of factly.

"Well, we could hang out her if you would like."

"I would like to do something else than hang around at this old place which I do everyday! Sorry, I'm starting to sound like a spoiled brat.

"No no! It's okay, it's just I want to do something that makes you happy." I said meaning every word.

She looked away for a moment but then turned quickly back towards me like she had a brilliant idea. "You know what I really want to do?" She said crawling towards me seductively.

I felt my heart speed up faster than ever. "What?" My voice cracked.

She was only inches away and her lips were leaning in towards mine. I closed my eyes, yet I was so excited for this moment. Then the most unexpected thing happened.

"TAG YOU'RE IT!!!" She yelled and ran out of the room.

I was in such a shock that I didn't run after her at first. When I was brought back to reality, I ran downstairs towards her.

Zoey's P.O.V.

I was crawling towards him. Then I saw him close his eyes. My plan is working! I leaned a little closer then I screamed, "TAG YOU'RE IT!!!" and ran out of my room and down the stairs.

Only seconds later, I heard him coming down the stairs after me so I ran out the front door. I could feel him getting closer and then he tackled me into the grass.

He was tickling me and I couldn't stop laughing. I managed to get out, "You should have seen your face!! It was so funny!"

"You'll think when I take you to the movies with orange paint all over your face and hair!" He said dragging me to his car.

"No please! Not in public! I'm sorry! Just I would like to keep a good reputation for myself!" I pleaded, trying to pull away from his grip.

"Awww poor baby!" He said in a sarcastic voice.

I was being dragged into a nightmare. One thing I know for sure: it will be interesting.

We got to the movie theater and Jack bought two tickets for a movie but my focus was on trying to stay away from stranger's awkward glances. He asked me what I would like as a snack but I just shrugged and watched people look twice at me. When people gave me questioning looks, I just pointed at Jack.

I didn't realize what the movie we were watching it until it started. It was When in Rome. My favorite movie of all time! I've seen it like 4 times but no matter how many times I see it, I will always love it! How did he know? And when he passed me my snack, it was gummy worms! My favorite snack! Wow he must really care to know everything I like. But then I realized that we played 20 questions some ages ago and I suddenly got depressed again.

After the movie, I was in a good mood again. The movie is just so funny and romantic and dramatic. It's the movie that fits me perfectly. I loved it! I was so happy and talking to Jack about all my favorite parts. He would just smile at me and keep walking. I loved that smile.

Jack's P.O.V.

It was so funny when people would look at Zoey like she was a freak. Then she would point at me like it was my fault. I didn't really care what those people thought of me.

Throughout the movie, I found myself watching her more than the actual movie. She looked so cute when she laughed. And of the movie that I actually watched, I liked it. She had a good taste in movies.

After the movie, she just couldn't stop talking about it. I couldn't help but smile at her. I was glad that she was happy again. I would give anything to keep her this way. Absolutely, positively, anything.


What did you guys think? If you liked it PLEASE comment and vote! Also I'm not quite sure what to do with the story next so please give me your ideas! Thanks! Keep reading!

<3 ilovepebbles

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