I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 6

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I hate guys! .... or so I thought.

Chapter 6

Zoey's P.O.V.

I can't believe it! Jack asked me out on a date! Well not technically but technically, I don't care! This is so exciting! I'm not allowed to date so I told my parents I was going to Teresa's house. And I didn't exactly lie. I was going to her house to do my hair and makeup but I just didn't tell them that I wasn't going to stay there. I couldn't wait! Plus, I'm going to be with my best friends! Wow this is so perfect! Yet again it might be awkward because everyone else are together and they're probably going to make out and me and Jack will just be sitting there, watching. And I also have no idea what to wear.

I called Teresa up. "WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!?!"  I screamed into the phone.

"Calm,breathe." She repeated until I my heartbeat returned to its normal tempo.

"What should I wear though? Is it nice or casual or in between?" I had no idea what it was like to go on a date and I wanted to make this one perfect.

"Me and Anna will be right over to help you pick it out. It's tomorrow y'know so you don't have to freak out too much." She hung up before I could protest.

I've never been this excited before! I was about to do a cartwheel or something when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and read:

Hey gorgeous! Whatcha up to? -Jack:)

I instantly replied.

Who ya callin gorgeous? nothin wbu? -Zoey :P

Literally two seconds later I got:

I'm callin u gorgeous because thats what u r and the only thing im doin is thinkin about u -Jack;)

I wasn't sure if he was joking or if he was serious. I hope he was serious but he was mostly likely joking.

Watevr cupcake! i gtg cuz i hav better things to do than txt some sweet kiss ass -Zoey <3

I walked out of my bedroom door to go to the front door which my lovely friends were coming out of. When I got back up to my room with Teresa and Anna following me, I went straight for the phone laying on the bed.

"I'm texting Jack." I said which instantly made them all jump on the bed to read what it said.

come on u kno u love me! -Jack xoxo

"Ooo Ooo Ooo! Jack's got the hot's for you!!!" Teresa said nudging me with her elbow.

"He's just joking!" I yelled even though I didn't believe my own self.

"Or is he?" Anna said in a michevious voice. We all giggled and I answered him saying:

actually i kno i dont love u! -Zoey>:(

wheres the love? -Jack:(

o please! ... so whats new? -Zoey

nothin... im still thinking about u... wbu? -Jack

Both the girls said Awwww at the same time but I just rolled my eyes and replied back.

well, im pregnant. -Zoey:)

"WHAT?!" The girls yelled in sync.

"Shhhh! I'm just joking! I just want to see what he does!" The girls looked so relieved when I told them that and I bit my lip to hold in a giggle.

Next thing I know I'm getting a call.

"WHAT?! WHO'S BABY IS THIS? Is it that Luke guy? Because I swear I'll mess him up!" Was that jealousy in his voice?

"No no no darlin'! It's your baby! What? You don't remember? How could you! It's over!" I couldn't help it anymore, I started laughing hysterically and Teresa had to take the phone away from me.

"Sorry, she's a little hyper right now. She will talk to you later!"

She hung up and helped Anna try to control me. I eventually calmed down and we picked out my whole outfit. It was tiring trying on so many clothes but it was worth it because we ended up with something beautiful. We settled on white summer dress that fell just above my knees with blue flowers on it. I was going to wear white sandals with it and Anna would do my makeup and hair at Teresa's house tomorrow. Anna's the master of hair. We planned on curling my hair and have brown eyeliner which would totally compliment my blue eyes. Additionally, I would have a frosty blue-white color eyeshadow. I hoped Jack would like it. Because that's really all that mattered to me.

Jack's P.O.V.

When Zoey told me she was pregnant, I got really scared. Thank goodness it wasn't true. I wouldn't know what to do after that. I've been in my room for the past 4 hours since I called her and I haven't stopped thinking about her. I wasn't lying in my texts to her.

It was 10 o'clock and I wondered if Zoey was still awake. I sent her a quick message.

did u miss me?? -Jack :D

I waited a couple moments until a reply.

nope. not all. and plus i gtg to bed so ttyl! goodnight! -Zoey xoxo

I was disappointed that she had to go to bed but it was better than nothing.

:(:(:(:( goodnight. c u tomorrow! -Jack xoxo

Tomorrow is going to be Friday! The night of my date or should I say group of friends hanging out? It didn't matter because I was spending more time with Zoey. I thought about asking her out for real sometime but she rejected Luke so she can easily reject me. But I can't sit around waiting too much longer. I might explode.

Zoey's P.O.V.

Today's Friday!! I'm so happy! After school the girls are all going to Teresa's house to change and do our hair and make up while we wait for the guys. The guys were going to pick us up at six and school ended at four so we had two hours to do everything! What a rush!

In science, I tryed to hide my excitement as much as possible. But I have a serious problem that when I'm excited, I usually get in hyper mode. Great. My only dream was to have the guy I like watch me laugh uncontrollably. When we sat down there was a big smile on my face. He cracked a joke about it and that's when I popped. I laughed so hard even though it wasn't that funny.

"Hehe, are you okay?" He said unsure about my behavior.

"No!" I said between laughs. He just laughed and sat me down.

He did most of the work while I sat and laughed. Class was over before I knew it but I was still laughing. Teresa and Anna quickly came over to take me away before I started crying tears of joy. Or before I said any of the truth.

Ever since I was little, I would have these laugh attacks as I call it. But while I'm in this stage, I would say the truth about things that I really didn't want to say. Like I told a couple of guys that I liked them before. And then I told a teacher that she was an old hag. I honestly think it's a rare mental disease or something but now that I having one right now, I didn't want to let out anything about Jack. Or really any information but of course, just my luck, I had to open my mouth.


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<3 ilovepebbles 

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