I hate guys! .... or so I thought. Part 7

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I hate guys! .... or so I thought.

Chapter 7

Jack's P.O.V.

Zoey is so cute when she's laughing. Well, I mean she's always cute but she's especially cute when she laughs. So she was especially cute all during science. She really couldn't stop. It was so funny! Then, after class, (did I mention she still hadn't stopped laughing?) I saw Teresa and Anna capture her. I walked over to Max and Ben. I was about to talk to them about tonight but then I felt someone grab my arm. I looked down to see Michelle. Ugh! She disgusts me!

"Hey baby, I'm having a party tonight and I would really like it if you came." She said in a seductive voice while rubbing her body up against me.

I was about to push her away until, unexpectantly, Zoey walked up.

"Hey bi*ch! He's my man and you can't touch him!" She laughed after saying that and pushed her away and hugged me tight. I hugged her back. Man was I enjoying this. I was surprised at her reaction though. It was probably her hyperness.

"Oh really? So your his girlfriend? I haven't heard any gossip about that?" Michelle said matter of factly but still with some additude.

"Well, that's because we've been keeping it a secret but not anymore!!" Zoey shot back and by now everyone in the hallway was watching. Even with all the eyes on me, Zoey reached up and pressed her lips against mine.

Zoey's P.O.V.

I couldn't control my hyperness. Not even Teresa and Anna could control it. When I looked over at Jack, I saw Michelle rubbing her skin and bones against him. Ugh! She makes me want to puke all over her ugly little face! I stomped over there and pulled her away. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the girl's shaking their heads. "Oh, what the hell."  I thought.

"Hey bi*ch! He's my man and you can't touch him!" I laughed when I saw her reaction. I then shoved her farther away. Oh yummy! His cologne smells delicious!

"Oh really? So your his girlfriend? I haven't heard any gossip about that?" Michelle said matter of factly but still with some additude.

"Well, that's because we've been keeping it a secret but not anymore!!" I shot back then I kissed him right on those sexy lips.

They tasted so good and when I peeked out from our kiss and saw Michelle with her jaw dropped, it made me laugh and kiss even harder. I pulled him closer and then his tongue slipped into my mouth which felt so weird, I pulled away giggling.

"Wow!" Was all he said. I just smiled and then looked at Michelle who was now glaring at me.

She stormed off, probably because she's never lost a battle before. The girl's came running over and I just leaned into Jack's chest and closed my eyes.

Luke's P.O.V.

I looked over and I saw Jack and Zoey practically in a make out session. How come she goes out with him but not me? What does he have and I don't? I can't believe Zoey would do something like that.

Look at them. They look so happy. It's so pathetic. It's so not gonna last and Zoey's gonna come cryin' to me but you know what? She can suck it up because I so am not helping her.

Teresa's P.O.V.

Zoey kissed Jack today! More like made out, but wow! She definetly knows how to make a move! Too bad she won't remember it tonight.

A side effect to her laugh attacks is that she never remembers what happens during them, until like a couple weeks later. We are all going to have to tell her all about it even though she probably won't believe us. That's too bad because she probably had the best kiss ever and she doesn't even know it happened!

Zoey's P.O.V.

I woke up in Teresa's car. Teresa was driving and talking to Anna who was riding shotgun. How did I get here? I looked down and I was still wearing the same clothes from this morning and I didn't have a migraine so obviously it wasn't that bad. Or was it?

"What happened? Did I miss our date?!" I asked scared for the reply.

They both laughed which made me confused and then Anna said, "Well, you kissed Jack and declared yourself as his girlfriend and then you passed out and no you didn't miss the date. We are going to Teresa's house right now to change."

The first part really threw me off. "What?! I kissed Jack?? Really? Dang it! I had to miss it! So wait, am I his girlfriend now?" Wow I didn't know I could be that brave. Even when I'm hyper!

"Yep! You kissed Jack and you said you guys were going out and he didn't seem to have a problem with it so I guess you are!" Anna replied smiling.

"Wow! I can't wait for tonight then!" I said sitting up.


All three of us had finished changing and doing our make up and hair in exactly 1 hour and 55 minutes. Five more minutes and the guys will be here. I looked in the mirror atleast a million times and for once I actually liked what I saw. I was so excited since the girls explained every detail of me kissing and Jack and how I totally dissed Michelle. I was so ready to see Jack.

Jack's P.O.V.

We were all riding in one car and I was so excited to see Zoey. Did she mean it when she said she wants to be my girlfriend or do I still have to ask her?

When we pulled up to Teresa's house, I could barely contain myself. I jumped out of the backseat of the surburban and ran for the door. I rang the doorbell twice and turned around to see the guys just now getting out of the car.

"Hurry up!" I said excitedly. I whirled back around when I heard the door opening. It was obviously Teresa's mom. I could see the resemblance.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Thompson. How are you?" I said very politely.

"Very fine. Which lovely lady are you here for Mr...." She said not sure of my name.

"Jack Smith." I finished for her. She nodded her head and then I answered her question. "I'm here for Zoey."

"Very well, come on in." She said smiling and let us guys step inside.

It was a really nice house with a huge chandilier on the ceiling as I walked in. I also saw a lot of nice decorations scattered all around the house. I looked at the stairs when Teresa walked down wearing a pink summer dress followed by Anna in a green summer dress. Finally, Zoey came down with a blue summer dress. She was absolutely stunning. She was wearing the perfect amount of make up and everything went gracefully with her eyes. She was just absolutely beautiful.

Zoey's P.O.V.

I walked down the stairs behind Teresa and Anna. The only person I really paid attention to though, was Jack. I kept my eyes on him and I saw his jaw drop. He must like it.

He looked pretty stunning himself. He was wearing a red polo that clung to his body to show off his big muscles. And he wore jeans a sneakers to top it off.

We left after Teresa's parents said to come home by 10. I love Teresa's parents. They would never tell my parents that I went on a date and they also were so sweet and hospitable.

While we were riding in the car, I could feel Jack's gaze on me. I turned to meet his eyes. I was so happy at the moment and then Jack made it even better.

He said, "I was just wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend, officially."

"I thought we already were." I joked and leaned on his chest until we got to the resteraunt.



They're together now! If you liked it, PLEASE comment and vote! Love you all! Thanks!

<3 ilovepebbles



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