04 | tooth fairy

23 3 36

♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ : sixteenth april, 23 :;

IT WAS SATURDAY. We skip Saturdays. Me, Raycon Lee Flecker and some girl whose name I clearly don't remember.

Luckily, it also rained this morning. More reasons to coop up.

"How do women fall in love?"

"They do?"

"Why do you think they marry, dumbass?"

"Security reasons?"

I frown. Ray, Raycon Lee Flecker, is a bit of a knowall. And it really shows. It's much funnier when he does that to teachers. They are full of shit, usually expecting kids to remember impractical stuff while they themselves carry textbooks around.

The other day, he and Mr Dexters locked horns. "Raycon?" He mocked in his teacher-ish voice. "Isn't that a cloth brand? I could have sworn I've worn it over Christmas."

"That's rayon, sir."

"Your daddy seems to be clotheshorse."

"I'm afraid he is not all that knowledgeable of the fashion industry," Ray responded, evenly. "He's confused between Bella Hadid and Elle Fanning — different hair colour, still quizzical. But I should like to tell you more about rayon as a garment fibre, if I might so?"

Mr Dexters crossed his arms and clenched his jaw, like a defensive child. Except kids rarely get to defend their opinions, or the lack of. There's always an adult playing the role of police. Mr Dexters, for the lack of description, is one of those that has one too many jokes on the use of neo pronouns. Why would a singular person wish to be addressed as plural? Lmao moment, millennial edition.

Same person teaches us astronomy. A subject with infinite possibilities. I'm guessing he's one of those kids whose parents picked science as their major because it's "most significant field" or something, whether their child digs it or not is evidently insignificant.

I'm going off topic as always. Sorry.

"It is actually semi-synthetic fibre, made from natural sources of regenerated cellulose."

"Informative.. now you will be seated—"

"—its very breathable,  having same comfort properties as natural fibres. Maybe, just maybe, my father, my foster parent might be alluding to the very fact I make a home of every space I get, I adjust and I'm capable of fitting almost everywhere, I've little problems in adjusting to newer surroundings, and one must be careful, so in case you want me to be called Rayon," Get this, he said it all in one go, without blinking or breaking eye contact or even squirming. "I shall have no issues with you doing so, sire."

Mr Dexters did a quick apology and went back on lecturing us, how dark matters are formed and everything. The next twenty minutes I utilised in gazing at the back of his head, which was highlighted cotton candy blue, because Ray didn't want anyone to get questions about their gender identity. Making the most of stereotypes.

This bitch should be my friend. For life and towards hell.

Now, now, don't get any ideas.

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