Two. Peter

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Our day begins early as Jack has said that it's best to catch Peter early in the day. So here we are, landing in Jacksonville at 8 am. I actually thought Jack might stand me up, but he was waiting for Niall and I at the airport as promised. He even had us flown there on his private jet. I don't know why, but this man believes in me.

We arrive at Sawgrass and it's a course I've played twice before. It's a beautiful course and I had no idea that Jack was part owner of this course. We stand at the entrance to the clubhouse and I look out over the expanse of the course just as the sun is beginning to cast it's glow over the lush greens. I chose a pair of houndstooth print pants and a red and blue striped shirt that has Mickey Mouse on it to wear. It isn't exactly golfing apparel but it's the closest thing I had. Jack definitely gave a bit of a raised eyebrow expression when he first saw me this morning and Niall shook his head and laughed but I honestly don't give a shit. This is who I am, take it or leave it.

Part of my whole bad boy image has been the constant talk about the way I dress, how I cause shit by painting my nails in such an old school, uptight environment that is professional golf. I like to make waves. I like to make people talk and I like to keep people guessing. I'm not sure if anyone knows all sides of the real me. Niall knows me better than anyone, but even he doesn't know all sides that make me who I am.

I follow Jack through the twisting halls of the clubhouse until we reach an open door where I can hear a man grumbling to himself. Something tells me this is Peter and I wonder if I've wasted my time even coming here. Jack knocks lightly to announce our arrival and he looks up from the papers strewn about his messy desk.

"Well look what the cat dragged in." He smiles and makes his way around the desk to hug Jack. It's a warm hug that clearly shows the affection and admiration shared by these two men. After their hug Peter looks over to Niall and extends his hand to shake. Niall introduces himself and they begin small talk. I feel like an idiot standing here while everyone acts like I'm not even in the room.

"And this is...." Niall begins.

"Harry Styles. Boy wonder." Peter says as he turns to meet my gaze. He extends his hand to shake mine, but not before he gives me a once over, making me feel self conscious which is a rarity for me.

"Didn't think you'd show. Bit early for you I'd imagine." He gives a half smile, half smirk.

"It's a compliment to you. I don't just haul my ass out of bed this early for just anyone." I chuckle.

"Well then, I'm flattered. Have a seat boys." He motions to the chairs scattered about. He kicks back in his chair and kicks his feet up on his desk. He remains quiet for a moment and just stares at me and then at Niall, back and forth.

I am quietly taking Peter Reynolds in as well. I'm a really good read of character and my first impressions are usually spot on. I've never been wrong. My first impression of Peter is that he's a quiet man. He thinks long and hard before he speaks and chooses his words carefully. He doesn't get in a hurry and I would imagine that would rub off on the people surrounding him. I could use a lesson or two in patience.

"Imagine my surprise last night to get a call from this one going on and on about some hot shot he met earlier in the day and how I absolutely had to meet this kid." He nods in Jack's direction and Jack laughs to himself.

"And then you show up. With painted nails I might add. Is that just some bullshit gimmick or do you really like that?" He focuses on me again with that same side smirk. I can feel my anger threatening to reveal itself. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Nothing about me is a gimmick. What you see is what you get sir. Take it or leave it." I don't blink once while speaking to him.

"You're a hot head aren't you?" He asks.

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