Three. Lincoln

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If there's one thing I despise, it's tardiness. It's one of my biggest pet peeves and to me it just says you don't value another persons time. Waiting for Brandon to show up for work in the apparel shop today has grated on my last nerve.

I'll admit it was amusing to have golf's newest sensation waltz thru the door, even if he was trailing behind one of my least favorite people here ; Brandi.

Of course I know who Harry Styles is, he's the talk of the golfing world right now. I also knew he was here to see my father. We were having dinner last night when Uncle Jack called, distracting him from his dinner with me that I'd taken the liberty to prepare. I knew the call was going to be a long one when Dad sat down in his favorite chair and lit a cigar.

I cleared away our plates that we'd mostly finished and began cleaning the kitchen while catching bits and pieces of the conversation. I distinctly heard the name Harry Styles however and that caught my attention.

Harry Styles fascinated me a bit. Not in the way one imagined, but in the way that he was a mystery to me and I suspected there was much more to him than the act he puts on. I was sure it had to be an act because no way can anyone be that loose of a cannon and that arrogant. That's what I thought last night at least.

When he waltzed into the golf shop this morning I was caught off guard. Dad told me that Uncle Jack was insistent on flying here with Harry to play a round of golf with him. I suspected it was more than that, but Dad assured me that's all it was and that was all he agreed to.

Dad was a bit of a bad ass back in his heyday from what Uncle Jack has told me. Jack Nicklaus isn't a blood uncle of mine, but he may as well be. He's been a fixture in my life for as long as I can remember. He and his wife are my godparents and he's my fathers best friend and business partner.

Uncle Jack tells me that Dad was a wild bachelor back in the day. He didn't want to ever settle down and get married but all of that changed when he met my mother. They married when Dad was 40 and mom always joked that she had to threaten to end things before he'd finally commit. Once he did though she was his world.

He retired when Uncle Jack did and that was shortly after Dad met Mom. He says he knew she was it for him the first time he met her. They traveled the world in their first few years of marriage, enjoying one another completely. I was born five years after they married. Dad was 45 and Mom was 40. They told me I was a miracle.

As an only child I was spoiled and given anything and everything I desired. I had the best childhood and it was nothing out of the ordinary for me to have some of the greatest golfers in history in our kitchen having breakfast that my mother had made. There was always room for one more she said. She was the love of my fathers life and the center of our world.

I've struggled in my days without her. My main focus has been my father however, as that's exactly what she wanted. She wanted me to look after him and that's what I was doing. That's why I was so curious as to why Uncle Jack was bringing Harry Styles here today. I knew it was more than a round of golf.

I was frustrated to be covering for Brandon once again and I suspected Brandi had something to do with his tardiness. Word travels fast and I heard they were a "thing". That suits me just fine though. Even though Brandon is a good looking guy and all the girls fall at his feet, I was proud to say I wasn't one of them. He had tried of course, and I was almost tempted. Almost.

I'd be a fool to let someone like him into my space, my personal world. No thanks.

Harry Styles walked in wearing houndstooth trousers that showed off his small waist and a striped shirt with a Mickey patch on it. It had a large Gucci label on the back for everyone to see. Of course he wants everyone to see. Labels don't impress me and I almost had my mind made up about him instantly upon seeing that.

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