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I held my breath as I knocked on the door

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I held my breath as I knocked on the door. It was still ridiculously early and I was taking a chance on Peter even being awake yet since it was our day off. I'd texted him last night asking if I could talk to him. He told me to come round tomorrow, so here I am at 7 am.

Lincoln played her first round of golf since her mother died yesterday and I was beyond proud of her. That being said, I kicked her ass. I had to though, the prize that was to be had was one I wanted just as much as a green Masters jacket.

24 hours with her. I knew just what I wanted to do but I needed to talk to her father first. One of my rules was not to date any of his employees, I'm hoping after he hears me out he'll make an adjustment and let me date his daughter. I don't know how I'm going to convince the girl who said she didn't want a relationship to go along with my plans, but I needed to square this away with her father first and foremost.

I'm about to knock for a second time when the door opens and Peter is standing in his robe with a cup of coffee.

"This better be good." He said.

If I wasn't nervous before, I sure as hell am now.

"I'm sorry it's so early. Old timers usually rise early though." I tried to make a joke but there wasn't even a hint of a smile on his face. He stepped aside and motioned for me to come in.

As he closed the door I folllowed him into the kitchen where he took another mug down from the shelf and poured a simple cup of black coffee, just like his own.

"Does she ever tell you that you have a dark soul because you like your coffee black?" I ask.

He lets out a laugh. "Is that what she tells you?"

"Yep." I take a sip.

"She played the whole round yesterday boy wonder. I wish I could have been there to see it.

"You probably wouldn't wish for that if you'd seen how angry she was when I beat her."

"I can only imagine." He laughed again and patted my shoulder with his palm.

"What did you win? I know she said if she won you were leaving." He sat on one of the barstools.

"We renegotiated. She wanted me to play Santa for the employee Christmas party if she won." I laughed.

"What did you win?" He asked again.

I swallowed harshly and took a deep breath. "24 hours of uninterrupted time with her at the location of my choosing."

Peter looked at me for what felt like the longest time before taking another sip of his coffee.

"And what do you want with 24 hours of uninterrupted time with my daughter Harry?"

He even finger quoted the word uninterrupted. Shit.

"I like her Peter."

"Tell me something I don't know boy wonder.

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