Seven. Drunk Dial

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Harry has  brought me a coffee for three straight days now, that being the only interaction I've had with him

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Harry has brought me a coffee for three straight days now, that being the only interaction I've had with him. I knew he and Dad had been very busy on the course and dad was usually gone from sunrise to sundown and even though dad invited me to join them for lunch and dinner, I declined. I needed some space from Harry. Being around him made me weak, it made me want things, things I knew were impossible.

As much as I've tried to dislike him, I can't. He strolls in with my coffee and a huge smile and a wink and then leaves and it leaves me wanting more. He's not at all what the media portrays him to be, he's not what I thought. He keeps so much of himself hidden though and it just draws me in more and more.

Hanna has been begging me for a Friday night out for weeks now and tonight she's not going to take another no for an answer. She arrived at my house and we got dressed up in our sexiest outfits and decided we'd throw caution to the wind tonight and have a good time. We made our way to the packed club in the next city over and found a booth to occupy. It wasn't long until drinks were being sent over by guys and a few even came over to chat. Hanna loving every bit of attention as always.

I spotted the familiar brunette across the room and Niall's eyes met mine at the same time and I eagerly waved him over. I was well on my way to being in a drunken state.

"Niall!!!!" I squealed as I grabbed him and pulled him in for a hug.

"Oh someone is feeling good." He laughs and hugs me again. Hanna turned to see who I was speaking to and cleared her throat indicating she wanted to be introduced.

Hanna was a goner right away and Niall seemed to be interested as well. Great, now I was a third wheel. I made a face as I spotted Brandon across the way and he was making his way over to us. It had been a couple of weeks since he had quit the golf club and I'd heard he had picked up a sponsorship to possibly turn pro. He'd always tried to worm his way in with anyone he could, when my father disregarded him he went behind his back and sought connections elsewhere. Dad never liked him for some reason, said he didn't get a good vibe from him.

"Lincoln, you're looking good." He smirked as he leaned down to talk over the loud music.

"Long time no see." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ahhh someone's missed me." He smirked, earning an eye roll from me.

"Heard you're trying to turn pro."

"It's practically a done deal sweetheart. Wanna come watch me at my first tournament?" He puts his hand at the small of my back and I recoiled from his touch.

"You actually think you're gonna do it don't you?"

"I know I'm gonna do it. I'll beat that asshole your father is training too." He had venom in his voice when he referenced Harry.

"You think you'll beat Harry? That's funny." I laugh as I down two more shots, earning a look from Niall and Hanna.

"I know I'll beat Styles. I'll get everything he wants. You included." He leans down uncomfortably close to me and I take a wobbly step back.

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