Eight. Fine, you win.

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I tried to calm myself down before my father got home

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I tried to calm myself down before my father got home. I know he's been desperately eager for me to play again but showing Harry the shrine wall was a low blow. A shrine devoted to a girl that no longer exists. She's a ghost of who I used to be.

I was in bed already when Dad came home. I heard his keys drop into the bowl by the door and I heard his steps make their way up our stairs and down the hallway to my room.

"You're angry at me?" He asked softly.

"What do you think?" I answered.

He walked into my room and sat down on the side of my bed and rubbed his hand up and down my back to soothe me, just as he did when I was a child.

"Nothing I do is to hurt you Link. You know that don't you?" His voice is soft and tender, a departure from how most people see him.

"Why him Dad? Why did you have to show him of all people?" I sit up, bringing my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them.

"Why not him Link?"

"He's so cocky and arrogant Dad. I can only imagine what he said when he saw them. He will give me hell about it now." I roll my eyes at the thought of him pushing my buttons about golf now.

"You really think he's that bad?"

I didn't immediately reply and that earned a chuckle from Dad. "That's what I thought." He said under his breath.

"He's trouble Dad. He only cares about himself and winning. I refuse to be another tick mark in the win column for Harry Styles."

"There's more to him than that Link. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were scared. My question is what scares you the most....him actually getting you to play again or him in general?"

"I am NOT scared of Harry." I stand and walk over to my window, seeing the shadows of the palm trees swaying in the wind.

"He needs you Link." Dad says softly, making my breath hitch for a moment.

"I can assure you that he doesn't need me." I laugh.

"You either think I'm blind or daft don't you?" He asks.

"What are you talking about?"

"I see how he looks at you. He needs you. He might not know it fully yet, but he will."

"He doesn't even know me." I laugh, sitting back on the bed.

"When I first met your mother it was like an explosion. I wasn't looking for a relationship or anything. I was a lot like boy wonder....but I saw her and then I talked to her and it was like an explosion of the best kind. I'd just met her, but it was like my soul knew her already. She consumed me. I was a goner that first night." He smiled as he recalled that moment he first met my mother.

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