Ten. Palm Beach

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Our flight was short and I knew we couldn't have went too terribly far

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Our flight was short and I knew we couldn't have went too terribly far. Waiting on the tarmac was a flashy bright yellow Ferrari sports car. Tossing our bags in the tiny area behind the two bucket seats I gave him a look of surprise as he opened the passenger door.

"You can't be serious. You want me to ride in this car with you driving? I'd like to see tomorrow thank you."

"I'm an excellent driver. Promise." He places his hand at the small of my back to lead me into the car. He slides on a pair of designer sunglasses he retrieved from the dash and gives me a huge smile as he puts the car in drive and zooms away. There is definitely something to be said for how hot he looks when he's doing something as simple as driving a car.

I watch his hand flex as he grips the round knob on the gear shift and the way the veins in his forearms are showing. Who knew that could be so sexy?

As we enter the highway I see the signs that answer my question as to where we are.

"What's in Palm Beach besides a bunch of rich men and their trophy wives?" I tease.

"That's all that's here?" He smiles as the wind ruffles his hair.

"Well, they do have a good golf course I've heard. Haven't played it myself, but Dad likes it."

"It's a good one. Partly why I chose to call this place home."

I want to facepalm as I realize I've just insulted the city he calls home. He laughs and exits the highway and turns into a gated complex. He's greeted by the gate guard and we zoom around to the complex that's oceanfront.

"I'll grab our things." He says as he opens my car door and offers me his hand to help me out of the car. He tosses our bags over his shoulder and I follow behind him, not knowing if this is a rental or his actual place.

We take an elevator to the top floor and he punches a code in on the automated door lock. Opening the door and nodding his head for me to walk by "welcome to my humble abode." He smiles broadly.

Immediately I'm met with clean lines and modern art. His place is immaculate. Mostly decorated in neutral tones it is tastefully done and it's so him. He disappears into a room to toss our bags on a bed and I don't question that he's placed both our bags on one bed.

"Let me show you the best part." He holds out his hand and leads me up a small spiral staircase where he opens a door to a rooftop patio that's just for him and overlooking the ocean.

"Wow. This is amazing. I bet this is where all the magic happens other than your bedroom." I laugh.

"Actually, you're the first girl I've brought here." His voice is softer than usual and gone is the arrogance I've grown accustomed to.

I turn to face him and his face is soft, void of any of his usual attitude and that smirk that I see in my dreams is missing as well.

"You expect me to believe that?" I say, attempting to lighten the air surrounding us.

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