Six. Labyrinth

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Harry stared at me from across the table, not having much to say but rather asking me lots of questions about myself and my life

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Harry stared at me from across the table, not having much to say but rather asking me lots of questions about myself and my life. I'm not sure who was more guarded, him or me.

He held true to his promise to my father and only drank water, insisting my three glasses of wine didn't bother him at all. The truth is, I needed an entire bottle of wine to calm my nerves. The kiss that had happened in the elevator had rattled me. It was unexpected, yet necessary. The tension between us had been building for days.

I've never felt such a magnetic pull towards another person like this before. He's gorgeous, there's no doubt about that, but it was more than that. The fact that I can't put my finger on what exactly it is bothers me.

Maybe it was simply the fact that I was horny and lonely. It had been over a year since my last instance of being intimate and there's only so much satisfaction I can give myself. I found myself studying every single detail about Harry as he sat across from me. His fingers that unknowingly flex when he speaks, as if he wants to move his hands constantly when he speaks. Maybe it's because he's a golfer and using his hands is second nature to him, but it's something I've noticed about him.

His fingernail polish is chipped, obviously he hasn't painted them since he's been here, it's not something I've seen before on a professional golfer, it sets him apart, but I think that's part of his plan. He likes to stand out, he likes the bad boy persona, the mystery, the rush that comes with it. I wonder how long it's been since he had sex, I'd imagine it hasn't been long.

It bothered me to see Brandi flirting with him. All the men fawn all over her and I expected Harry to be no different, but so far he's surprised me. Tonight I'm sitting across from him and he hasn't taken his eyes off of me once. His eyes are the most gorgeous color of green I've ever seen. Growing up on a golf course green constantly surrounds me, but this color, the color of his eyes...that's a whole different hue of green.

His lips are the perfect shade of pink, he has a habit of licking them every so often and it just draws me in deeper to focus on his perfect lips. Our kiss was needy and desperate and for a moment I wonder what it would be like to kiss him tenderly. I'm not sure if he even knows how to kiss like that.

His jawline is perfectly sculpted and I've seen him clench it several times, making it even more prominent. He seems to furrow his brows often too and I find myself wanting to know what makes him do so.

He asks me about college and what I studied. He asks about growing up surrounded by the greatest golfers of all time and he's amused that I was so oblivious to it all and thought it was normal to have my uncle Jack around so much when Harry reminds me he's one of the greatest of all time. He asks if I ever had any interest in learning to play golf and I laugh immediately.

"What's so funny about that?" Harry chuckles along with me, not knowing why.

"Nothing. It's just funny is all. I could take you in a game of mini golf though." I give him a wink. If he only knew how much I know about golf.

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