Five. Daybreak

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Coffee. Today is going to require lots and lots of coffee. To say I didn't sleep last night would be an understatement. I tried, God I tried, but after 4 am came and went I gave up on any hopes of getting a bit of sleep. My thoughts went back and forth between frustration for agreeing to Peter's terms to imagining my fathers voice telling me I wasn't good enough to wondering why my thoughts kept going back to a certain girl who couldn't stand the sight of me.

I don't know why it mattered to me what Lincoln Reynolds thought of me, but it did. It angered me that it did. I've not cared what anyone thinks of me for a really long time, for it to matter what a short, bratty, holier than thou daughter of the greatest golf caddy of all time thinks of me is not something I'm pleased to admit.

I arrived at the clubhouse at 6:45 am sharp, just as I promised and I stopped to make myself a cup of coffee.

"You like coffee as dark as your soul I see." I bite my bottom lip as the last voice I expected to hear rings out from behind me.

"Shall I get a cup going for you sunshine? Two sugars and a shit ton of cream I'd bet ." I laugh.

She walks up to stand directly beside me and I wonder how someone can look so awake at this time of morning. She looks happy that it's this fucking early. I'm not going to deny that she also looks gorgeous.

"Look at you. All decked out in your gear. You almost look like a proper golfer. Playing pretend golfer today Lincoln?" I laugh as I tease her. God bless whomever decided to make women's golf skirts so short and sexy.

"You're funny. Dad's running a bit behind this morning so he asked me to take you out on the course. He will catch up to you in a bit." She stirs her coffee, making it a ridiculous light color.

"So you're my caddy this morning?" I chuckle as I say this. She rolls her eyes and I know I should stop teasing her, but it's too fun not to.

"I thought we were going to attempt to be nice to one another."

"What? I'm being nice. I offered to make your coffee. I was almost complimentary about your attire. See? I was nice." I laugh.

"Eyes in your head Harry. I didn't wear this outfit for your pleasure." She turns on her heels and begins to walk towards the door.

"Regardless of the reason you wore said outfit, I can assure you it is indeed bringing me much pleasure Miss Reynolds." I follow her outside to our waiting golf cart.

"What a romantic you are. Gosh how did I ever get so lucky to spend my time driving you around this morning?" She loads a golf bag into the back of the cart.

"Those aren't my clubs Lincoln. These are." I reach for my golf bag and load it beside the worn out looking bag.

"Good to know. These are my fathers. I'm sorry, did you think I was loading your clubs for you?" She laughs and takes a seat behind the wheel.

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