4.1 The fourth season

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Starting with the more coupley things is easy. Not a lot changes, however, they're obviously more free to kiss each other silly.

Yes, they are boyfriends now. In the late evening, that one blissful saturday, they called each other that for the first time. It didn't feel realistic at all and honestly, they're both learning and getting used to this.

Minho has more experience as well as courage. Anyhow, he respects Jisung's pace, gives him time and space. Minho listens to him, offers help and encourages him.

One time, in the midst of an anxiety attack, Minho offered him an advice Jisung has been following since: Do what feels natural.

Jisung has been doing just that.

However, it's not like the insecurities and fears are his fault. He can't help them and his overthinking brain.

Anyway, being in love feels like heaven and they've immediately jumped into the honeymoon phase. Not that Jisung minds. He's ready to take whatever Minho has to give and grant.

He stays humble though, since in the end, he doesn't want anything else than what he has now. He doesn't need anyone else than Minho.

"Sung? Want to hang out at mine tomorrow?" Minho asks while they're heading to Jisung's. It's a nice walk, a perfect moment, side by side and hand in hand. Minho insisted to drop Jisung off, even though Jisung swore he would be just fine.

"Yeah, sure, I haven't seen the cats for so long, I miss them" he pouts. Minho laughs.

"I'm sure they miss you too, they prefer you over me anyways"

The younger boy's house comes to the view which sends a wave of blues through the both of them. Their date is coming to an end after spending time in downtown and having a delicious dinner together.

Jisung is still sour about it because he could have paid just fine as well! Minho won their fight over whose card is going be used, so Jisung backed down and pouted until Minho kissed the pout away.

The sun is setting and the nights are getting colder. Jisung shivers, but the feeling of Minho's hand in his gives him new kind of warmth which warms him up from the inside as well.

Soon, they're at Jisung's door, both of them pausing and facing each other.

Jisung's fingers feel tingly at the touch where they brush against Minho's. He doesn't have a heart to let go just yet.

Except soon it'll be dark and Minho still has to walk to his own flat.

"Thank you for the date, it was nice" Jisung speaks.

Minho waves it off before pausing for the quickest moment and then closing the distance between them. He pecks Jisung's lips once, twice.

"Have a good night" he says against the younger's slightly chapped lips in a whisper.

Jisung pecks his lips back.

"You too"

They stare at each other for another moment before Minho takes a step back, squeezing Jisung hand.

"By then, I love you" he sings.

"I love you too"

Jisung watches Minho walking away, until his form disappears, out of sight. He makes his way inside but this time without the usual, creeping feeling of loneliness inside him.


good night baby


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