4.2 Four you

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It's a late night when Jisung's door is opened, his mom walking in. Jisung quails, his hand flying to his chest.

"Jesus, mom, knock next time, won't you?"

"Jisung" his mom sighs and crosses her arms. Jisung's sitting on his bed and looking at her expecteingly.

He doesn't know what she is here for, however, he has a strong idea which is most likely it. He isn't ready to forgive her; He's still mad, reasonably.

He doesn't have energy to deal with anything right now, much less his mom.

His mom walks to him and sits down as well, facing the boy.

"Look... The news about moving out was... rather sudden and your reaction was valid... I just..." the woman sighs in stress and looks away. "I would like it if you respected me more as your mother" she speaks.

Jisung wants to laugh.

"This is it?" he asks. His mom turns to look at him questioningly. "This is what you came here for? To bitch about me not respecting you enough? If so, then you can leave"

"No, Jisung, please, listen-"

"Why would I listen to you when you never listen to me?!"

Jisung catches himself losing it. It has been so long since he has last snapped like this or even raised his voice like this. He has been feeling irritated and on edge for days and it all is erupting like a volcano now.

He doesn't feel sorry. His mother deserves this.

"Why is it such a bad idea? Don't you want to see the world out there? There is nothing here! You're still young, why are you rejecting such a good chance at feel the real youth?"

"The real youth? What the actual fuck, mom? You don't understand... I don't want to leave, not right now, I have a job here and I go to school here-"

"Switching schools is a piece of cake-"

"I have friends here-"

"You have no one, Jisung"

"What did you say?"

"I said-"

"How would you know? Is Minho no one to you?"

"Oh, come on, is Minho what this is about? You're too attached to him, Minho is older than you and he has grown to be such a handsome young man-"

"What is your point?"

"He's better off without a burden like you, Jisung... Moreover, you can easily keep in contact even if you're in different countries"


"Jisung... What is wrong with you?"

"Wrong with me? What is wrong with you?!"

"I'm just trying to help you, I don't understand-"

"No, you never do! I don't want to leave, I just... I want to stay... you can go on your own, I'm eighteen, mom! I'm an adult!"

"Yes, and I'm your mom!"

"That has nothing to do with this!"

"Tell me why won't you want to come!"

"Because I have a boyfriend, for fuck's sake! Minho is my boyfriend and I love him, I can't leave him!"

Jisung blurts out, not even realising what just came out of his mouth. He realises it quickly though, his hand flying to his mouth.

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