5.3 Counting with five fingers

131 11 43

Jisung takes his phone out of his pocket, about to call his mom. He has been wanting to ask how she is doing and how everything is working out with her and Josh. He is actually curious and he has to admit: He misses them.

He opens the device and immediately notices something. A text message, from an unknown nunber.

He gets those from time to time and there is never any major harm done. Usually they're just some advertisers, attempts at scamming or something else crazy. Jisung doesn't pay them attention, however, this one catches his eyes. He presses the notification with reservation.

Is this Han Jisung?


Who is this? And how do they know his name? There's soon a lot of questions whirling in Jisung's mind and even more are on their way.

Should he block the number? And then delete it?

Jisung ponders on what to do. He could take a risk and confirm. Yes, he is Han Jisung. Or, he could deny, which would probably be a better idea in every way. Just say they have a wrong nunber or whatever.

He can't leave them on read though.

depends on who asks


That's a good way of putting it. He isn't used to dealing with these kinds of situations with unknown people. Texting is easier than talking face to face though.

Well, my name is Park Johoon
Jisung is my son
I've been trying to contact him
But if this is some one else,
I apologize for the bother


What? His? His father? What is happening here?

Jisung feels himself going speechless. Nah, this man has to be a swindler or something.

It takes several minutes for Jisung to come up with something, his mind blank.

actually, I am Jisung, yes

He doesn't know why he said that. Or, actually, he does.

are you really my dad?


The question sounds dumb but it doesn't hurt to try, he guesses. Plus, he can't stop the curiosity.

Your mother is Han Soyeon, right?


This man really does know his mom. Well, if the man is telling the truth and is Jisung's father, then why would he not know Jisung's mom? Jisung is almost in aw.

yes, she is.
how did you get my number tho?


Ah, it's a long story
I've been trying to contact you for years
It's been so long


Jisung wonders if this man knows his age or, like, anything about him, really. Jisung knows his mom hasn't been in touch with his dad, like, ever. It has always been just him and his mom ever since he was born. He wonders what has happened before that.

The man keeps on texting.

If you'd like, we could meet up in person and talk?
I'd really like to get to know my son better
It has been so many years after all

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