4.3 Four feet up

126 9 13

hey minho hyung
can we talk?


ofc we can babe
is everything ok?


no not really
can i come to yours?


yea, right now?


yes, if its okay
my shift ends in 5


no worries
be safe
i love you


thank you hyung
i love you 2
see you soon



"So, you wanted to talk?" Minho asks as he places two steaming cups on the coffee table and sits down next to the younger boy. Jisung takes the other warm porcelain cup, holding it with both hands and taking a sip of the tea. He sighs.

The day is really cold, the freezing late autumn breeze having chilled his bones while he was walking over to Minho's.

He places the cup back into its original place and adjusts himself on the cushions to make himself as comfortable as possible.

"Uhm, yeah..." he says. A breath in, a breath out.

Minho is being so nice to him, even though it's thundering inside of Jisung, his inner turmoil isn't easing off. He came here to tell Minho the truth, what happened a few days ago.

"Take your time, I'm not going anywhere" Minho says and shifts a tad closer.

"The thing is... I fucked up... or I think I did?" Jisung starts. He has no fucking idea how to phrase this correctly. He hopes Minho understands him still. He doesn't dare to look at the brunette next to him. "It's about us... I kind of told my mom that- that we're together and I didn't only out myself but I outed you too and... we were fighting, it was an accident, I don't know why I said it... I just... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done it since I didn't even ask if you were okay with being outed like that" Jisung speaks, voice shaky, eyes watery and body tense.

"So... I'm sorry" Jisung decides to finish. He sniffles and wipes his eyes, blinking the tears away.

"Jisung... You didn't fuck up" Minho starts and Jisung winces. "Please, believe me when I say I don't mind it, it's okay, you're okay" Minho speaks gently, his other hand settling on Jisung's knee. Jisung lets himself relax a bit.

"I know we haven't talked about that or future generally, but I don't think it's a bad thing it happened... or was it? How did your mom react?"

Jisung lets out a bitter, humorless laugh.

"Shit hit the fan, I guess" he sniffles, shaking his head.

"Oh..." Minho squeezes his knee. "Baby, I'm sorry"

"No, no, you don't have to be sorry about it... it was my fault"

"Jisung, it wasn't your fault, it may have come as a surprise to your mom and even if she never relents, it's not our problem, is it? I'll save you from her"

Jisung starts crying and Minho pulls him into a gentle hug.

"You don't hate me? I feel like I let you down" he sobs.

"Shh, no, honey, I'm not mad, I promise, it's okay"

"I was so- so scared"

"You don't have to be, ever again, I'm here"

They hug for a little longer until Jisung's sobs turn into sniffles and he can breath normally again.

Minho offers him a tissue and he takes it gratefully.

"Maybe... if you feel like it... we could talk about us now? Some more? So situations like, you know, don't happen again?" Minho offers and honestly, it's a pretty good idea. Jisung nods.

He's glad he has Minho by his side. Minho wouldn't hate him or leave him. Jisung believes Minho when the older boy tells him that.

God, he was so scared, ready for the worst downhill ever.


The next day Jisung faces his mom again.

He's just minding his own business until she disturbs him with her presence again, welcoming herself in his room outrageously. Again.

Jisung sighs internally, putting his notebook aside.

Here they go again.

"Jisungie dear..." she says, voice contrary to what it sounded like the last time; gentle but not in a passive aggressive way. Jisung almost startles.

She stays in the doorway, as if she's unsure whether she can come further or not. It's not like she has ever asked permission, so what is this? Jisung doesn't know. Honestly, it's simple to just expect her to start the yelling again.

It never comes though.

"I wanted to apologise... for bothering you again and also what happened a few days ago... I was so out of line but just because I was surprised, I hope you can get that" she explains, looking sheepish.

"What I'm trying to say is that, Jisung, I don't care that you're gay, honestly, I'm kind of glad it's Minho because Minho is so awesome..." she giggles softly. "And you're awesome too, the best son one could ever ask for, I know I haven't told you that and I know that I'm not a perfect mother..." she continues.

"I hope you could forgive me for that... I hope we could get along in the future... Fighting isn't an ideal way to solve problems" she finishes and then the silence falls over them.

Jisung tries to process her words.

She's apologizing? Since when is his mom apologizing to him?

However, there's a warm, positive feeling spreading all over the boy.

But one thing bewilders him.

"Mom... what about, yk, Josh and your plan to-"

"Oh, don't you worry about that, Jisung. We decided that you can choose whether to come with or not... Jisung, you're an adult, just having turned eighteen... I can't boss you around anymore, as much as I'd like to" she laughs. "Anyway, you're allowed to stay here and decide for yourself, but... but if you change your mind, you're always welcome to come visit" she smiles shyly.

"Well... I think I- I think I'd like to stay, since my whole life is built here and this place is a home for me and... I just don't feel like flying to the other side of world right now, it sounds wild"

"I know and that's okay, we'll figure something out, I'll help you with anything, if you let me"

"I'd like that very much"

They make eye contact and the compassion inside of Jisung gets hin to stand up and walk over to her. He gives her a quick hug, the woman hugging softly back, patting his back.

"Thank you, mom" he says, not knowing what else to say. He think it's enough. His mom smiles even wider, eyes shining.

"Well, I'll be going then... Good night, I love you" she says.

"Love you too"

She leaves and Jisung stands still, looking after her. Everything seems alright. After a long, long time Jisung feels light and... content.

Are him and his mom okay for now? He hopes so.

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