Alternative ending

174 11 35

Jisung's eyes flutter open, squinting at the harsh white lights.

Am I... dead?

He realizes he's in bed and there's something on his face, pushing air down his throat and helping him breath.

What is this?

His body feels light and heavy at the same time. Plus, it feels really tired too. His head is cloudy and mind slow, but his heart is running miles already.

As he gets used to the light, he tries to sit up to see properly what is going on.

As he does that, he groans; Moving feels like a real challenge. His forearms ache and as he looks down at them he sees a white, thick gauze wrapped around them, squeezing so tightly it's starting to feel uncomfortable.

He hears repeated beeping next to him and smells disinfectant. He looks around, eyes focusing, and he recognizes nothing but an unfamiliar looking room he is in.

Am I in... in hospital?

But why? How?

Jisung leans against the headboard, placing his hands in his lap.

What am I supposed to do now?

And where is everyone else?

Jisung's throat feels raw and dry - He could use a cup of water right now. He looks around the featureless room until his eyes halt at the bed side table. A cup of water stands proudly there, like it was meant for Jisung.

No one will notice if I take a little sip.

He reaches for it but his joints feel very weighty, cracking loudly and making Jisung cringe. They feel like hinges that haven't been oiled in years.

He pulls back, retreating with a pout. He can't reach the bed side table.

He huffs in annoyance and leans back again.


There are a big window on the other side of the room which attracts Jisung's interest next. Perhaps, he could hop out of this bed and carefully walk there. It's just a few steps so it wouldn't take long.

I just really want to look outside. I want to know what heaven looks like. Or wherever I am right now.

He places his hand on the plastic feeling mask he's wearing and just as he's about to peel it off the closed, gray door to the room opens.

The person rushing in stops dead in their tracks instantly. Jisung makes an eye contact with-


It's Minho.

What is Minho doing here?

"Jisung?" the brunette asks, wide eyes blinking, as if he couldn't believe what he's seeing.

Is this a dream? Oh, I wish I knew.

Can't anyone tell me what haz happened?

Jisung just looks at the other confused, questions whirling in his head.

Minho's eyes shine and he looks... surprised. Like something he has been waiting for years has been finally granted to him.

Otherwise, it's hard to read Minho.

"Oh, God... Jisung" Minho exhales, voice trembling slightly. Minho takes small, slow steps to Jisung and sits down on the chair next to the bed. "How are you feeling? Are you in pain? Are you-"

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