6.2 Six feet in the ground

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TW for sexual abuse in this chapter, thought of mentioning it beforehand.


Jisung and Johoon make their way back to the hotel. Jisung can't help a gasp that escapes his lips as he sees the hotel from the inside and then the man's hotel room.

They take their jackets and shoes off, Johoon inviting the young boy further inside. Jisung just stands awkwardly and fidgets with his fingers as the man goes to sit down on the armchair, facing him.

"You look really pretty, Jisung, did I tell you that already?" the man speaks.

"Yeah, you told me that already" Jisung chuckles dryly.

"Well, you're pretty" he continues and gets up. "Just your mother" he says as he rummages through cabinets until he finds a bottle of red wine. "Doe eyes, full cheeks with a mole on the other one, petite body, just..." he says as he opens the bottle and finds two glasses. "Perfect" he finishes off, voice turning to a whisper.

He pours the wine into the two glasses.

"Uhm, I don't think I can drink more, sorry" Jisung hurries as he realizes.

"Oh? That's too bad" the man says. He takes one of tje glasses with him and goes back to the armchair. However, he leaves the glass on the table next to it and walks to Jisung instead, steps slow and gaze smug. Jisung takes a step back.

"What about some sweets? Sert treats for a sweet boy" the man asks.

"Uh, no thanks, I'm fine" trying to sound kind, Jisung waves his hands in the air.

He can sense the man's attempting something but doesn't know what. He seemed like a nice guy at first, polite and open. But as Jisung has beeb listening to his rantings and watching him, the mysteriousnes only grows in the man currently in front of him. Now, he seems to have some kind of an ulterior motive in mind.

Perhaps, it was a mistake to come to his hotel room, after all. However, Jisung doesn't want to seem rude or egoistic or anything. He wants to show he is having a good time with the man.

Which is true. Sort of.

The gut feeling he has had the whole time, having started when they were texting, remains.

"You know, Jisung... Are you up to some fun?" the man asks, voice low as he looks at Jisung up and down, biting his lower lip. Jisung ponders on what he has in mind since he's kind of hard to read.

"Uhm... sure" he says and right then and there, the man shoves him to the side forcefully.

Jisung gasps as he goes off flying. His head hits the wall with a painfully loud thud and then he falls to the floor. There are some blurry spots dangerously covering his vision with his ears ringing for a moment. It all happens so quickly that the air gets knocked out of his lungs, breathing wheezing slightly.

As the his senses come back to him, he quickly sits up and tries to process everything. However, the man is on him again.

The man is obviously stronger, sturdier than Jisung, shoving the poor boy to the ground and pinning his hands to the floor.

Jisung panics, unsure of what is happening. This isn't right. Something is wrong.

The man's smug grin and dark eyes are only frightening him further. However, fighting back would be difficult if not impossible. The grip the man has on him is extremely tight. Jisung feels like the bones in his wrists could snap.

Hesitantly, he opens his eyes, which have been unintentionally squeezed shut. There are fear as well as confusion swimming in them. He's so confused, but it only makes him more fearful.

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