Chapter 8: Back to Underwear

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Emily had been wearing her adult diaper to school for a while now, and she had made a lot of progress. She had gone two whole weeks without having an accident, and she was feeling more confident than ever. Emily was proud of herself for working hard and staying motivated.

One day, Emily's mom suggested that they try going back to underwear. Emily was hesitant at first, but she knew that she couldn't wear a diaper forever. Emily's mom suggested that they start by trying it out at home to see how it went.

Emily was nervous but excited to try. She put on her favorite pair of underwear and went about her day. At first, Emily was constantly checking to see if she had had an accident, but as the day went on, she started to relax.

Emily's mom had set up a reward system for her to help motivate her. For every day that she stayed dry, she would get a sticker on her chart. After five days, she would get a special treat. Emily loved the idea of getting rewards, and it helped her stay focused.

The first few days were tough, and Emily had a couple of accidents, but she didn't let it get her down. She knew that it was all part of the process, and she was determined to keep going. Emily's mom was there to support her and help her clean up when she needed it.

As the days went on, Emily got better and better at staying dry. She started to feel more confident and less anxious. Emily was proud of herself for making progress and for not giving up.

One day, Emily came home from school and proudly showed her mom her sticker chart. She had gone a whole week without having an accident, and she was thrilled. Emily's mom was proud of her and gave her a big hug.

Emily knew that she still had a long way to go, but she was excited about the progress that she had made. She was grateful for her mom's support and for finding a solution that worked for her. Emily was ready to keep working hard and to keep making progress. She knew that she could do it.

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