Part 1

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They couldn't deny the attraction that they both felt. The connection sparked at an instant, the moment that they made eye contact, they knew that they could love no other like now. They were both at each other's mercy. She couldn't deny how she drowned in his sea green eyes and the god couldn't deny being reeled in by the warmth of her soul and smile.

They both were caught up in each other. For days, they have been soaking one another up. The God didn't want it to end, but each time he walked past the docks he couldn't help but hear his folk shout out for him, asking for their ruler. He'd squeeze Sally's hand and close his eyes, ignoring the pleas of the sea.

May the Fates bless her soul, each time they pass the dock. The mortal would ask if Poseidon felt ill. Each time, he'd smile and kiss her cheek with his prickly stubble. "Just fine, love." He'd say.

Poseidon didn't say it the last day that they were together. Coincidentally the same time Sally had to leave to go back home. The God looked at her, "Why not stay in New York?" He asked.

"New York isn't home." She replied.

New York is home. It is home of the Gods, it is where the Olympian fire burns. Damn the fates for letting Sally leave to where home is not present. He took her soft hands in his calloused ones. "Let this be the night we set apart." He said, sadness laced his voice.

He knew love like this wouldn't last forever. Especially with a mortal, mortals don't last forever. Poseidon would know, he had fallen in love with countless mortal women. Only for them to perish. He soaked in the energy that the women radiated, it was exotic to him.

Never had he felt this energy before. It intoxicated him.

Sally raised their hands up to his cheek, "Let this be the night." She whispered before kissing him. That night, they whispered sweet nothings. That is all it was, just a sweet nothing.


It was a year full of mourning. A young adult decided to spend another week in America without consulting her parents, who had dropped everything the moment they didn't hear from her, out of fear that she had been kidnapped or killed.

All it took was a single plane ride to America. For them to be blown out of the sky, turbulence. They told her. But everyone on Olympus knew better, that night over a certain patch of sea, a storm had been brewing and the clouds were bulking up, merging and turning grey. Thunderstorms and waterspouts. It had been a freak of nature.

All of these things happened in just under a few hours. Hours that Sally was spending feeling happy about her summer romance, those hours Sally had spent feeling inspiration and the urge to pursue her writing career that she so badly wanted.

It was a year of mourning. She had spent hours sobbing into her uncle's shoulder. Sally Jackson is alone. Weeks after being caged in her old house, trying to sort everything out and having her parents' close friends come over to clear the house out. Something that happened very swiftly, thanks to them. She had spent that morning just spewing out her gut and into the toilet.

Not minding any of her parents' friends talking about using another loo to get home. No, what she did mind was the moodswings, the morning sickness and the hormones just going crazy. The sudden realisation kicked in like a truck and tears streamed down her eyes.

Sally Jackson was all alone. She might not have her parents, but she has something else. Growing down in her stomach. She felt gutted, silent tears streamed down her face, this was something that her parents wanted to be there for.

Her parents were already talking about grandchildren, while Sally would just laugh and roll her eyes at them. Now, she couldn't ever do that again. Now, she wouldn't hear her parents rave about the thought of having a grandchild. She wants to feel annoyed again, annoyed at how her parents wanted to be grandparents, about how they want to spoil their future grandchild. All she wanted was to be pestered again.

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