Part 11

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He didn't expect to be poisoned before school started, but that is just the way things go. When he got home he was bedridden for a few days, his uncle Moody was enraged, obviously and his mother was concerned.

His friends came to visit him, even Ron came. It was nice to see his friends again, when they asked about the people at the camp. Percy told them about the girls he had met, he started to say something about Luke but quickly cut himself off.

He did mention some of his guy friends like Beckendorf. They then looked a thim and called him a womaniser for having so many girl friends. He argued that he was nothing of the sort.

For the whole summer, his mother had been volunteering at a nearby public school. Reading stories for the toddlers or even talking with the troubled teens.

Eventually the time rolled around and they went out to Hogwarts Express. His uncle was out working on some bounty while his mother joined them at the station. "Now, I know that you now have a better sense of who you are." She said as she still leant down to talk to him. "But I need you to be alert, because everyone else will have a sense of who you are as well."

Percy swallowed and knew what she meant, everyone else were the monsters. "I'll stay safe, mum." He said and smiled at her. "I won't go looking for trouble."

Sally chuckled and straightened his clothes, "You're a trouble magnet dear, trouble comes looking for you."

Percy laughed with her and she shook her head before leaning back up to press a kiss against his forehead. "Bye Percy." She said.

Percy smiled and waved, "Bye mum." He said before stepping on the train.

Immediately he was pulled into a compartment by Fred and George. Fred was rubbing and messing with his hair, "Awe, are you going to miss mummy." Fred teased. George was rolling his eyes and laughing.

Percy pulled him off and started messing with his hair when George jumped in and eventually the train started to move and their older brother walked by. "Really?" He questioned, "Get off of each other." He said and smacked George with the rolled up newspaper.

He looked over at Perseus, "You've been roped into their mess haven't you?" He questioned and Jackson opened his mouth to argue but Percy W. was long gone.

"It's like-"

"-We're the bad influence." The twins said and rolled their eyes.

Percy shook his head and laughed, "Have anyone seen Ced?" He asked as he straightened his clothes. Everyone shook their heads and Percy pursed his lips.

"I'm gonna look for him." He said and walked out. He walked to a whole new carriage before he could hear the boy laugh. He popped his head in and smiled.

"Ced!" He greeted happily and looked around the carriage. "Are you already saying hi to the first years?" Unfamiliar faces in the carriage.

"I was on my way to you and they found me, and started to ask questions. Next thing I know I was being interrogated." Cedric laughed and Percy chuckled.

"Are you Percy?"

He nodded.

"Cedric said that you were a true Hatstall. Beating even Professor Dumbledore's record!" One of them said.

Percy blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck, "The sorting hat didn't know whether to put me in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff." He said sheepishly. He then saw people walking in the hall behind him.


He turned his head around and smiled, "Alicia." He greeted and turned around, "How've you been?" He asked.

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