Part 12

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He had gone on the quest alongside Clarisse. They butted heads but there was always mutual respect. They talked a lot and got a sign that they did whenever it got too heated for one of them.

A fist over their heart and rubbing it in circles. 'I'm sorry' in ASL. Clarisse thought it was a shit idea until she did it herself. She knew of herself that she was quick to anger, but having someone she could call a friend and considered a cooling down sign made her appreciate the friend even more.

Tyson followed after them, saying that he never had a brother before and would like to keep having one.

They were even closer when they returned with the fleece.

Somehow, Percy got out of the trip with a pegasus, Blackjack. If pegasus weren't extinct in the magical world he'd show Blackjack off, knowing that the winged horse would enjoy it.

The rest of the summer was a blur as he was just constantly training and hanging out with Clarisse and Silena. He wasn't on all too friendly terms with Annabeth being that she blew up on him for always being chosen to go out on quests instead of her.

Percy couldn't just see eye to eye with her, so he avoids her at all costs.


He had to go back home for a day, to go to Diagon Alley with the Weasley's. His skin was tanner than before and his hair had grown in a wild-ish way. Everyone was begging for him to cut his hair a bit shorter.

He shrugged and just went to the first barber he saw in Diagon Alley while the Weasley's went ahead to shop. Percy was feeling a bit guilty when the barber struggled with his hair. But nonetheless, the Weasley's were excited to see his new haircut but were a bit disappointed when it was exactly the same, just a few centimetres shorter.

"Glad we didn't wait." Ron said and snorted. Molly just patted Ron's shoulder and the twins laughed. Percy rolled his eyes and poked them.

"It's a bit shorter." He argued.

"Just a bit." Fred said.

"A very little bit." George egged on. The family and Percy trekked down the street. They went to get some stuff for Ron's rat and Percy wanted to find a book.

He put his glasses on as he entered the store and quickly walked over to the study of runes book. A little something to get into it before he had to follow the class' pace.

He pulled a boom out by its spine and looked at it, 'History of Runes' he read and felt someone beside him. "Excuse me?" A feminine voice asked as she tapped his shoulder, gaining his attention.

Percy looked at the curly haired girl. "Yes?" He replied.

"Could you reach for that book there." She pointed up and Percy squinted a bit.

"Hogwarts: A history?" He questioned and put a finger on it as he looked down at the girl.

The girl nodded.

"Bagshot is a good writer." He nodded and took it off of the plank. He analysed the rest of the books that she held in her hand. "I'm Percy." He introduced himself and held the book out.

"Hermione." She accepted the book and smiled. "Do you have any more recommendations, history books or spell books?" She asked.

Percy smiled, "Looks like you've got most." He said and looked down at her books again. "I don't particularly like Lockhart though. When I read his adventures," Percy trailed off and cringed. "But for a muggle it's a good way to learn about monsters and spells." He said.

"How did you know?" She asked and raised an eyebrow at him.

"One of your books is about living as a muggle." He cringed, "Personally, I don't recommend that one at all. It comes across as a bit supremacist."

Hermione nodded and pulled the book out of the stack under her arm. She took the book and read the back of it. "I suppose."

Percy smiled at her again. "You're a first year, right?"

She brightened and smiled back. "Yes! What year will you be in?"

"I'll be in my third year." He replied and smiled. "Do you know which house would be a good fit for you, yet?"

She pursed her lips, thinking. "I haven't read about them yet."

His eyes flickered down at her books and he blushed, embarrassed. "Well, let me know after you read the books?" He asked. "I'm sure that a friend and I will be wandering around the train."

Hermione smiled at him. "I'll probably have an answer by then."

Percy nodded, and looked outside at the twins staring back at him in a creepy manner. "I've got to pay and go." He smiled. "It was nice meeting you, Hermione." He said friendly and walked to the front counter.

Paying for it, he quickly walked past Hermione and her family and to the twins. "I have everything." He said to Molly.

The matriarch nodded and looked at her children. "I believe we have everything as well, did you check everything off of your list, Ron?"

The soon-to-be first year Weasley nodded. "Yes Mum." He said. Percy smiled and happily walked back to a floo powder network with the Weasley's.

His gut was telling him that it was going to be an eventful year.


He landed back into the Burrow on his feet and smiled at the familiar discord that reigned in the house, especially when he's around, the twins seem to plan the biggest pranks. Obviously including him and his help.

Walking over to Molly he helped her with the plates the muggle way, normally the woman would complain but Percy had done it many times before that she had gotten used to it already. "The hufflepuff is really showing itself today." Molly teased him and he laughed quietly.

"Thank you for the compliment, Molly." Over the years of knowing the Weasley's, Percy was starting to see them as his second family. They're always cheering for him in his corner, and they loved the influence that he supposedly has on the twins.

Percy couldn't see it, but Arthur says that the twins don't prank Ron as cruelly whenever he's around.

He looked over at Ron playing with his rat instead of looking through all of the new books he got. It was the first thing Percy did. "He'll be a Gryffindor, won't he?" Percy questioned and looked over at her, "Just like the rest of you all?"

Molly huffed out a smile and looked over at the youngest son, "Most likely." She squinted a bit, "I've thought that he could have been a Hufflepuff at one point." She shook her head, "But the boy has no patience, unlike you, Perseus. Ronald would go to Gryffindor, I think."

Percy waved it away, "My patience can also reach a maximum." He hummed and stuck his head into the living room, "Dinner!" He called out


A/N; I know it isn't a big update but I wanted everyone's input about they houses the golden trio would be in. 

I was thinking a slytherin Harry and a Ravenclaw Hermione and finally Gryffindor Ron, because, truely, the boy is a Gryffindor (and his whole family was one)

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