Part 4

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Perseus was always a step ahead of his uncle in Diagon Alley. His uncle had taken precautions and drank a polyjuice potion in order to protect his dear boy. Percy had recognized the little pub where he went with his uncle after he had a rough day at his job.

Before that day, he never knew what wonder was hidden behind that pub.

With a flick of the wrist they were in a whole different world. The cobblestoned ground was something straight out of a folktale. The Jacksons lived in quite a modern neighbourhood so he had never worried about falling from his bike because of cobblestones, he liked the concrete floor.

The Alley was bustling with wizards dressed in all kinds of clothes, most wore robes, and a very few wore modern muggle clothes. Percy suddenly felt self conscious in his clothes, he tugged on his collar and it did not go unnoticed by his uncle. "You want some new clothes kid?"

Percy nodded, the t-shirt and jeans didn't feel like it was enough for the wizard standards.

"Well then, let's not wait up." His uncle hastened him and he was a step ahead of him. His uncle barked out directions while he muttered under his breath.

Not heard by Perseus, Moody muttered under his breath, "Must not be restricting","Must be able to fight if needed","Casual wear","He'll finally look like a scholar","He does hate shirts close to his collar","He's british, he'll learn to tolerate it,". Such things felt deaf on the ears of Perseus as he wandered through the alleys. His uncle consciously steered them away from any pet stores, not wanting to have him hear the voices of any sea creatures in there.

The duo walked into a lesser known store that sold old fashioned clothes, they were greeted by the teller but quickly minded their own business. Moody shooed his nephew into the fitting room while he quickly took a few things off of the clothing racks.

"Here, wear this. Don't you dare complain because this is the only thing I'll buy for you at the moment." Moody wasn't greedy with his money, he just knew that he had to lay down boundaries because the boy would complain about how itchy the collar is.

Perseus walked out with his wild hair, per usual. Instead of a big t-shirt, he wore a white clean polo. Just like they used to back in the days. His jeans turned into black slacks with a belt wrapped around his waist. His trainers turned into black dress shoes. The man squinted at him, "Where is your jumper?" He asked.

"It's too warm for that." Perseus whined.

Moody shook his head, "You'll attract people's attention, Perseus. Wear the jumper." The boy pouted but pulled it over his head. Moody looked at the boy and saw Sally in him, but on the outside it is all Poseidon.

The family crest patch felt heavy in his pocket. "Come here boy, let's go ask the teller to add something." He shuffled the boy to the front, the lanky boy held his unfolded clothes in his hands as he peeked out behind them, to observe what his uncle was doing.

"How much is it going to be?"

"Four galleons."

"Your prices rose, eh?" Moody said as he fished into his pocket to find the money, instead he came out with a key wrapped up in cloth. He set it aside for later, to not seem suspicious in front of the cashier. He put a few galleons down on the counter, he later fished out another few along with a patch of the family crest. "Sew this on the jumper, if you can."

The cashier nodded and put his clothes that Percy held into a bag, making his hands clear. The boy looked as the cashier stuck the family crest on his chest and he moved his wand with grace. Threads loosened around it and interwoven itself with it. "A pleasure, Jackson."

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