Part 6

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Perseus did not know how he sat through the short speech that professor McGonagall gave about the different houses and the rules. Eventually, the professor dismissed them and walked into the room.

"Which house do you reckon you'd be in?" A boy asked as he nudged Percy. He had dark hair and grey eyes. Kind eyes.

"I'm thinking, Gryffindor, to be honest." Perseus said and held his hand out. "Perseus Jackson." He introduced himself, they shook hands.

"Cedric Diggory." He said.

"What do you think?"

"Hufflepuff." The boy said with a smile, "Dad says that our family has always been full of Hufflepuffs."

Perseus hummed and before he could continue the conversation, the huge doors opened and Percy walked besides Cedric between the tables.

The dining room's roof was littered with floating candles, something that Percy will never forget. Finally they reached the end of the room, in the middle stood a chair with a hat on it. Moody had told him all about it. How it was weird for a hat to learn about all your thoughts. Behind that chair sat all the teachers. "Before we begin, professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words."

He recognized the old man from the one time his mother had invited him over for tea and biscuits. Percy had the time of his life listening to the stories that the man told. He also had the time of his life eating the blue cookies his mother made. "I have a few start-of-term notices that I wish to announce." He looked at the crowd in front of him, "The first years, please note, that the Dark Forest is forbidden to all students."

After the brief pause of Dumbledore's speech, Professor McGonnagal spoke up, holding a roll of parchment in her hands. "When I call your name, come forth and I shall place the sorting hat on your head." she held it up, "And you will be sorted into your house."

Perseus was excited, from what Moody had told him is that his family had always been a mix of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs. The Gryffindors tend to turn into aurors while the Hufflepuffs turn into magical doctors. His extended family even had a few animal doctors, who worked out in Asia to take care of dragons and such.

"Cedric Diggory!" The transfiguration teacher called out and Perseus smiled at the boy, wishing him success quietly. The hat touched his head but after a few more seconds it called out, "Hufflepuff!" The boy smiled at Percy and walked over to the yellow table who were cheering loudly.

"Perseus Jackson."

He looked back at every teacher standing by the tables. Sucking in a breath he walked up to the chair and sat down. He looked up at professor Dumbledore and the old man just winked at him. The stomach ache he got suddenly hurt even more. He sat down and something got put on his head.

"Hm, another Jackson I see." The hat spoke, "Ah, another one of those as well. It has been a while since one of you showed up again." The hat rambled, "Loyalty to a fault, the high morals wanting to save anyone. Brave and courageous spirit. Unlike hufflepuff. Oh you have quite a lot of power, this wise and that other thing wise. Accepting is what you are. Determined is what you are, you're willing to do a lot to protect. Your family is filled with Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, but you definitely are a Hufflepuff!" The room erupted in cheers, most coming from the yellow laced table.

He had a smile on his face as he walked over to a cheering Cedric. The boy smiled and put an arm around Perseus' shoulder. "Can I call you Percy?" He asked, "Perseus is a bit not personal, don't you think?"

Percy grinned and nodded, "You're right." He said and held his hand out for him to shake, "Ced?"

"Ced and Percy." The Diggory said and shook his hand.

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