Part 7

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"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation, the ability to make objects fly." Percy knows about this spell and has practised it many times before, he even had a competition with his uncle to see who makes the dishes the most clean with only using the spell. "Uh, do you all have your feathers?"

Percy felt his heart drop, one of the first few lessons to charms with professor Flitwick. He patted his whole body down to find if he had a spare one at him. He even tried ruffling his hair hoping that a leftover owl had left a feather in it.

Besides him, Cedric set his extra feather in front of him. He smiled and nodded at Percy, "Father said to bring extra on your first week."

"Thank you." He whispered.

The man hummed and continued, "Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practising, hmm? The swish and flick everyone."

Percy held his wand out and did it immediately. Cedric looked at him in awe and quickly followed, levitating his.

Flitwick clapped his hands in front of the class and congratulated them. Giving them five points to Hufflepuff.

Cedric turned to Percy, "Do you know how Hufflepuff hadn't won the house cup, in like. Years? What if we-"

Percy turned back to Cedric, "We can't do that on our own."

"We'll get the others." Cedric argued and they looked over their class. Some weren't doing so well. He looked outside the window into the courtyard where he saw some just laying around in their free time.

"This'll need an evolution." Percy said, "I don't know if we're the best people to help them."

"Oh, you've got ambition kid, you sure you're not a Slytherin?" Tonks said as she walked through the hallways, Percy followed right behind her with Cedric on his tail.

"Well, Cedric came with the idea and it just made me think as well." Percy said and jogged a little to walk in front of Tonks. "Don't you want your last years of Hogwarts to be in a house that brought home the first house cup in a while?"

Tonks grinned at him. "I see." She nodded, "I'll ask the others, what did you say again about the buddy system?" She asked.

They continued walking besides one another and Cedric took the lead, "The buddy system is just when an older student is paired up with a younger one. They just help each other out, like a personal study friend." He explained, "We'll hold your flashcards and you guys will help us with our first year study things."

"But you younger kids can't really help us." Tonks argued as she tapped the barrel. "What can you all offer us?"

Percy and Cedric looked at each other and they shrugged, "We don't, really. Younger students earn points easier if they've perfected spells or potions. We can bring in the house points."

Tonks stopped, "I'll talk to them, maybe have a designated group for a subject, instead." She offered and Percy beamed up at her.

"Yes!" He turned to Cedric, "It would be easier."

The older student clapped the two boy's back, "Didn't think I'd adopt two boys this year." She laughed out, "Good thinking, I'll bring you guys good news!" She said and waved at her friends.

"Thanks Tonks!" the two called out as the girl walked away from them. Percy walked over to the closest table and opened his book. Cedric quickly followed and did the same. At the end of their study period, a few others joined them.

Percy immediately helped when one asked if they could help him with the levitating spell. The older girl watched the two help their fellow students out and she nodded slowly. "This could work." She said and nudged her friends.

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