☀️{Newlife Smp} A New Discovery☀️

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{Basically Owen/Sparrow fan-girling over the origins/hybrids also a continuation of his pov}

Tw: Fainting/passing out

~Sparrow's POV

I looked through the spyglass and saw a... a really scary thing. I don't know what it was but there was teal and orange particles surrounding it. Then it looked at me, I flinched a bit but it didn't look like it would cause me any harm. Then I couldn't see him it's like it teleported or something.

"Ahh!" (You know the Owen scream yea that)

And then I fainted, probably from fear or exhaustion.
~Scott's POV

I was minding my own business and I felt strange like someone was watching me. Sure enough I saw a person standing there with a spyglass pointed at me. He flinched a little but it could be fun to give him a little scare.

When I teleported I could see the confusion on his face.


And then he fainted. Honestly it was bound to happen but I didn't think he actually would. I put him over my shoulder and went back into my house. I placed him on the bed and made sure he was ok. He seemed a bit overheated, probably from the distance he traveled, but otherwise he was fine. I put a glass of water next to him on the nightstand and made some dinner.
~Sparrow's POV

After I started to wake up a bit more I could feel that I wasn't on the grass anymore, instead I was on a bed of sorts. I tried to get up but exhaustion pulled me back down.

"You feeling alright?"
"Oh it's you, and I guess?"
"Ok well you've been out for a bit so I made some dinner if you want."
"I'm not that hungry but thanks for the offer."
"No worries, and I didn't get your name."
"Oh it's Sparrow."
"Cool name, I'm Scott!"

He put out his hand as if wanting to shake mine. It would be rude if I didn't so I shocked it. This would turn out to be a very bad mistake.

I could see the teal and orange particles again before I could fully process what was going on a felt a whooshing sensation all around me. I closed my eyes hoping we weren't teleporting somewhere. After the teleportation was over I felt sick and it seemed Scott noticed.

"You alright?"
"Umm.... Y-yea just warn me next time you do that."
"I suppose since your human it has a different effect on you. Anyways do you want to meet Marytn?"
"Sure as long as he doesn't kill me."
"He won't or at least he won't intentionally."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Hey Scott!"

A voice came off from the distance, 'must be Marytn' I mentally toook note of. He started to head towards us. From where he was I could see that he had ice all over him, and he looked cold or something.

"Who's this?"
"This is Sparrow, I sort of scared him and he fainted but he's fine now."
"Well nice to meet you Sparrow."

He put out his hand like Scott had but I hesitated a little bit before taking it. His hand felt cold to the touch but I suppose I didn't realize how cold because I was just making sure he didn't kill me or anything. When we finally let go I couldn't feel my hand.

"Is your hand ok. It looks a bit frozen."
"I mean I'm new to all of this, the hybrids, new people, and just being treated with kindness for once. And also it's starting to hurt a bit so."
"I'll teleport us back to my house. And Sparrow you might want to close your eyes, it can help a bit with the nauseating affect."

Off we went again, I felt the whooshing but I didn't feel nauseous.

"Ok you can open your eyes Sparrow."

I opened my eyes and sure enough we were back at Scott's house. We headed inside and Scott put some sort of cream on my hand. He wrapped it up and headed outside because he said he needed to get something.

"Sorry about freezing your hand."
"It's fine, I should have known better than to shake your hand."
"I'm sure Scott's already told you my name, if not it's Marytn."
"Yea he did, also how many others are there. Besides the bee girl, I believe her name was Gem."
"There's about 16 others."
"Wow what are they all."
"I haven't met all of them but I know there's Stacy the Strider, Jimmy the Bad Guy, Joel the hippo, Sausage the blaze, and FWhip the road-runner. Other that I don't know."
"I heard about Sausage, he seems 'nice'."

Scott came back in with some carrots, he gave us each 10.

"Sparrow, how long will you be staying?"
"I was just going to stay until tomorrow if that's fine with you."
"That's fine, and I can take you back to yours Marytn."

Both Scott and Marytn teleported away, that left me alone. I waited a bit but it seemed like Scott was taking forever. Then I saw some teal and orange particles, then he reappeared.

"Sorry that took so long, had a run in with a creeper."
"No worries."
"Do you have a bed or anything to sleep on."
"Yea I have my sleeping bag."
"Ok you can go in the storage room and set it down in there." (I know Scott doesn't have a storage room yet but his house is very small and we only have one episode as of now)

I went to the storage room and set my stuff down. After a while I was able to head to sleep excited for the adventures to come.

(New life!!!! That's all)


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