☀️{Newlife} A magical mushroom☀️

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(I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭 I can't help it I love NWL 😭😭😭😭😭😭)

{So it Scott's death but more dramatic and with Good Guy there to comfort him.(Technically he isn't Good Guy anymore but I'm just gonna pretend Scott's death was a day before Jimmy died)}

Tw: death, falling, swearing, crying

~Scott's POV

I couldn't breathe it was like the air in my lungs were knocked out of me. I was falling from great heights but I could just teleport.
Another outside being, entity maybe, told me to just let go. And so I did, I let myself fall and all I could do was watch my body struggle so hard against even the idea of not teleporting. It was almost in-humane to not dive into the urge, but I did I resisted everything and let myself fall. At the last moment I felt myself closing my eyes. And then nothing.

I woke up in my bed, nothing that I'm not used to from past lives after a death. But my brain has forgotten the terrible pain I would get after dying. Of course this all depends on how I died, like if I was in a battle I would have scars everywhere or if I fell of a fucking tower I'd have terrible back and neck pain. Which I unfortunately had, all I could do is wait until it wears off, which could take up to two hours. I wasn't anything to bad but it was a lot longer than what I would like.

I just laid there in pain crying because it hurt so much. Almost as if I hit the ground and just got teleported to my bed. But I knew I had actually died because I felt very different and looking where I could without worsening the pain I had different clothes on.

I heard a knock on the door but I had no energy to answer or get up to get the door. If they wanted to take my shit I didn't care at this point. All I wanted was to rest and never see anyone ever again.

"Scott you in here? I wanted to make sure you were okay. I saw your death in the chat."

I heard foot steps of a certain Good Guy coming up to my bed. Normally I would want anyone in my room other than me to leave but I didn't have the energy to complain about it.

"You alright you like pretty bad."

All I could do is just barely look in his direction. It was hard to even do that, death really hurts doesn't it. He came over to make sure I wasn't 'dead dead' and he took my hat off, which I didn't even know I had on. From his face I could tell it was bad.

"Okay, you look pretty bad. I'm gonna get some medical supplies because you can't wait this out."

He headed downstairs but I felt alone and cold without someone or something near me. I never liked crying but I couldn't help but do so. The tears weren't even streaming down my face they just slowly fell. A little bit later I heard my door open again.

"Okay I'm back and I got some food for you."

He practically ran up the stairs, might I add it sounded like he almost fell seventeen times, and into my room. I felt a little better than before but now I have a headache. Which was probably the worst headache I have ever had. He put a wet cloth on my head and grabbed a potion out of his bag.

"Drink this it will help with the pain."

He was right it worked almost instantly and I could feel the pain going away. I wanted to wait a bit to sit up more so I didn't hurt myself, once I felt good enough I sat up a bit and looked at my new self. I had a robe and cyan pants on, my huge ass hat was sitting on my side table next to me. From what I could get at I was a Fungal Mage.

"Do you want me to stay or do you want me to stay?"
"You can stay, I need the company anyway."

Jimmy sat in the bed and I rested my head on his shoulder, slowly drifting off into the comforting black void of sleep.
(Yay!!!!!! Two updates in one day!!!!!! Fluff and angst for you today!!!!!)


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