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Thursday, October 15th 2018
San Francisco, California

The constant rain over the last 3 days had finally subsided leaving a damp, uncomfortable air as Aurora walked to her car. She began mentally cursing herself for deciding to wear jeans and an off the shoulder sweater. She was never one to dress up and she definitely wouldn't start doing it just because she now worked at her dream job, Physical Therapist for the San Francisco 49ers.

At 23 years old, Aurora Jenkins was the youngest PT the team had seen but they'd have been a fool to let her go after seeing her credentials. Aurora had graduated high school early at 17 and college at 21, to which she owed all the praise to her parents for forcing school down her throat. Her parents were practically the Obamas growing up and that made Aurora somewhat uppity and spoiled but don't be fooled. Aurora would never forget her childhood or teenage years before the money came in from her granddad's will.

Aurora was a blunt, sock it to you type of person and she never had a problem showing that side of her. It didn't help that her bestfriend, Ximena, was every bit of hood you could imagine. The duo had been friends since middle school and had never strayed too far from the other. With Aurora's life becoming bigger than she could hope at that age due to her parents, Ximena was never left behind. The two had never found anyone to be a truer friend and stood by their oath of never letting anything come in between them.

Almost as if she knew she was being thought about, Ximena was calling Aurora's phone for the third time in 30 minutes. As Aurora sat in her car, she picked up the phone immediately being brought to laughter at her bestfriend's choice of words.

"Girl, where the hell are you? Let me find out you were at that stupid field again." Ximena semi-yelled into the phone. Ximena knew her bestfriend had an obsession with football but when it cut into their plans, she wasn't having it.

"Bae, relaxxxx. I'm literally in my car now on the way home." Aurora laughed, starting her car and pulling out of the team parking lot.

"Don't try to sweet talk me, woman. You knew we were going to this party for two weeks now. I don't have time for your foolishness." she said, playfully rolling her eyes even though she couldn't be seen.

"Okay and what about it? You ain't late, girl. You know this ain't even my scene." she stated. It was true. Aurora and Ximena had their fair share of partying and going out but Ximena was the one who still loved it. Aurora was a homebody by definition which Ximena hated.

"Don't you think that's the problem? Look how young and sexy we are! You always wanna be laid up in bed at night by yourself when I'm trying to help you. Don't make me mad."

"Okay, Ms. Thottiana. Don't come for me if I ain't send for you. You just need to make sure you at my house when you supposed to be and we won't have no problems." she laughed, knowing Ximena was about to go off on her.

The ride back home was eventful for Aurora due to her bestfriend's antics and childish ways. Once she arrived to her townhouse, she started to regret saying yes to the party. She never liked going out in the Bay because she never found her type or she just couldn't enjoy herself. With her being around attractive football players for a living, she felt that she was spoiled with good looking men and all they had to offer. Aurora knew she wouldn't find her forever man in this city so she never bothered with getting to know anyone no matter how hard Ximena tried.

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