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Tuesday, March 13th 2022
Orlando, Florida

The lights beamed down on Aurora's skin as she took a break from her evening workout. Her labored breathing being the only sound she could hear in the empty gym. Her heart pounded against her chest, making her feel more alive than she's felt in years. As she put her hands atop her head, she stared ahead in the mirror seeing her reflection.

Aurora had tattoos running along one arm and one big tattoo covering her thigh, reminding her of the time she got them. The dark colored locs that stopped at her shoulders were now tied up in a ponytail, showing the sweat across her skin. The muscle she had gained over the last 6 months made her body look more toned which she loved. The only thing Aurora grew to dislike was her face. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen a smile on it and she was tired of seeing the same pout or mug everyday. Aurora was used to this though.

The month of March never brought her joy anymore. There was no need to be happy during this month. It didn't matter that it was her birthday coming up in a week and a half. Nothing mattered without her brother. The thought of her brother made Aurora shrug her shoulders and go back to lifting the dumbbells.

"FaceTime from Mommy." her phone blurted, making her drop the equipment. Aurora glanced at her phone contemplating on picking up the phone or letting it ring but she knew she had to answer. Angela had made it her mission to call her only child everyday since they'd lost Hakeem. After all, Angela didn't have much of a life anymore after retiring and her husband had gotten tired of her antics.

Aurora walked over to her phone before sliding her finger across the screen, watching it connect before seeing her mother's smile.

"Hi, my baby. I miss you." Angela spoke, looking over her daughter's face seeing no emotion. It hurt Angela to see her daughter turn into someone who was almost robotic. The wife and husband had seemed to cope with their son being gone in the best way they knew how but their daughter was a book they couldn't read. They didn't know what to do anymore.

"Hey, mommy. You just saw me Sunday night." she spoke, wiping her forehead before sitting on the bench. Aurora glanced at the clock sitting on the gym wall before mentally reminding herself she had to be home in time for Ximena and Avery.

"I know but you know how I am. How long you been working out today?" her mother asked, walking through their living room before going to sit on her husband's lap. Deon glanced at the phone seeing his daughter and smiling softly. Deon had missed his daughter in every sense of the word. He missed the Rora before that day. He missed his daughter before the heartache. His therapist informed him it was okay to grieve the daughter of the past but also be welcoming to who his daughter is now.

"Only an hour but I think I'm gonna leave soon. Ximena is bringing Avery by and I don't wanna be late. Hey, daddy. You growing your beard out for the fifth time?" she said, chuckling but there was no humor there.

"Hey, my husband looks good with or without it now." her mother laughed, rubbing his face.

"Yeah, you heard my wife. Don't hate." he said, squinting his eyes at the screen.

"Dad, you keep cutting it everytime it grows a certain length and for what? I'm starting to think you're scared of getting old." she said. Deon was scared but he'd never tell her that.

"Anyway, why hasn't Mena come by to see us? We haven't seen her since her birthday." her dad asked.

"Dad, you know that girl has been super busy. She's so busy with the move and all, I couldn't believe she was even coming to see me." Aurora said, rolling her eyes at her bestfriend.

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